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php cart with size and unit code


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Hi friends,


I am new to php and and i have design a web site.Now Everything is ready but only one error in shopping cart for which i really need ur help.


Actuallt in my cart.php page there are 3 text box for a Product name. Size, Qunatity and Unit.Now if i eneter only size and update the cart then its working but if i will enter the Quantity and unit then its shows the errorr "Warning: extract() [function.extract]: First argument should be an array in C:\www\Parmadar\inc\functions.inc.php on line 61"


Can u pls pls pls  help me in this matter.


Here my cart.php page



// Include MySQL class


// Include database connection


// Include functions


// Start the session


// Process actions

$cart = $_SESSION['cart'];

$action = $_GET['action'];

$id = $_GET['pname'];

$sizecategories = $_GET['sizecategories'];

$sizecategories = $_SESSION['sizecategories'];

$unitmeasurement = $_GET['unitmeasurement'];

$unitmeasurement = $_SESSION['unitmeasurement'];




$select = $_SESSION['select'];

    echo "$sizecategories";


//$cat_ID = $_GET['cat_ID'];

//$select = $_POST['select'];



//$select11 = $_SESSION['select'];


// $_SESSION['select1'] = $_SESSION['select1']+ 1;




switch ($action) {

case 'add':

if ($cart) {

$cart .= ','.$_GET['id'];

} else {

$cart = $_GET['id'];



case 'delete':

if ($cart) {

$items = explode(',',$cart);

$newcart = '';

foreach ($items as $item) {

if ($_GET['id'] != $item) {

if ($newcart != '') {

$newcart .= ','.$item;

} else {

$newcart = $item;




$cart = $newcart;



case 'update':

if ($cart) {

$newcart = '';

foreach ($_POST as $key=>$value)  {

if (stristr($key,'qty'))  {

$id = str_replace('qty','',$key);

$items = ($newcart != '') ? explode(',',$newcart) : explode(',',$cart);

$newcart = '';

foreach ($items as $item) {

if ($id != $item ) {

if ($newcart != '') {

$newcart .= ','.$item;

} else {

$newcart = $item;




for ($i=1;$i<=$value;$i++) {

if ($newcart != '') {

$newcart .= ','.$id;


} else {

$newcart = $id;






$cart = $newcart;



$_SESSION['cart'] = $cart;

//$_SESSION['cat_ID'] = $cat_ID;


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function OnSubmitForm(val)



if(val == 'Quote')



document.cart.action ="checkout.php?action=Quote&id=cart";





if(document.pressed == 'Back')


document.cart.action ="product.php";


return true;



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function writeShoppingCart() {

$cart = $_SESSION['cart'];

$cat_ID = $_SESSION['cat_ID'];


if (!$cart) {

return '<p>Sorry You Have No Items In Your Cart</p>';

} else {

// Parse the cart session variable

$items = explode(',',$cart);

$s = (count($items) > 1) ? 's':'';

return '<p>You have <a href="cart.php">'.count($items).' item'.$s.' in your shopping cart</a></p>';




function showCart() {

global $db;

$cart = $_SESSION['cart'];

$cat_ID = $_SESSION['cat_ID'];


$qty1 = $_POST["qty1"];



$qty1 = $_SESSION['qty1'];


$qty2 = $_POST["qty2"];



$qty2 = $_SESSION['qty2'];



if ($cart) {

$items = explode(',',$cart);

$contents = array();

foreach ($items as $item) {

$contents[$item] = (isset($contents[$item])) ? $contents[$item] + 1 : 1;


$output[] = '<form action="cart.php?action=update" name="cart" method="post" id="cart"&qty1="qty1"&qty2="qty2">';

$output[] = '<table width="501" >';

$output[] = '<tr bgcolor="#00659C" height="25">';

$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\"><b>Remove</b></font></td>';

$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\"><b>Product Name</b></font></td>';

$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\"><b>Quantity</b></font></td>';

$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\"><b>Size</b></font></td>';

$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\"><b>Unit</b>   (mt/kg/unit)</font></td>';

$output[] = '</tr>';

$output[] = '<tr height="30" >';

$output[] = '<td></td>';

$output[] = '<td></td>';

$output[] = '<td></td>';

$output[] = '<td></td>';

$output[] = '<td></td>';

$output[] = '</tr>';



foreach ($contents as $id=>$qty)


$sql = 'SELECT * FROM products WHERE id ='.$id ;

$result = $db->query($sql);

$row = $result->fetch();



$output[] = '<tr>';

$output[] = '<td><a href="cart.php?action=delete&id='.$id.'" class="r">Remove</a></td>';

$output[] = '<td><p>'.$product_NAME.'</p></td>';

$output[] = '<td><p><input type="text" name="qty'.$id.'" value="'.$qty.'" size="10"/> </p></td>';

$output[] = '<td><p><input type="text" name="qty1" value="'.$qty1.'"  size="10"/> </p></td>';

$output[] = '<td><p><input type="text" name="qty2"  value="'.$qty2.'" size="10"/> </p></td>';

$output[] = '<tr>';


$output[] = '</table>';

$output[] = '<div><button type="submit">Update cart</button></div>';


$output[] = '</form>';

}else {

$output[] = '<p>Sorry You Have No Items In Your Cart.</p>';


return join('',$output);



function showCart1() {

global $db;


$cart = $_SESSION['cart'];

if ($cart) {

$items = explode(',',$cart);

$contents = array();

foreach ($items as $item) {

$contents[$item] = (isset($contents[$item])) ? $contents[$item] + 1 : 1;


$output[] = '<table>';

$output[] = '<table width="501" >';

$output[] = '<tr bgcolor="#00659C" height="25">';

$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\"><b>SINo</b></font></td>';

$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\"><b>Product Name</b></font></td>';

$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\"><b>Quantity</b></font></td>';

$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\"><b>Size</b></font></td>';

$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\"><b>Unit</b></font></td>';

$output[] = '</tr>';

$output[] = '<tr height="5" >';

$output[] = '<td></td>';

$output[] = '<td></td>';

$output[] = '<td></td>';

$output[] = '<td></td>';

$output[] = '<td></td>';

$output[] = '</tr>';



foreach ($contents as $id=>$qty)


global $db;

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = '.$id;

$result = $db->query($sql);

$row = $result->fetch();



$qty123 = $_POST["qty1"];

$qty234 = $_POST["qty2"];


$output[] = '<tr>';

$output[] = '<td>'.$cnt.'</td>';

$output[] = '<td>'.$product_NAME.'</td>';

$output[] = '<td>'.$qty.'</td>';

$output[] = '<td>'.$qty123[cnt1].'</td>';

$output[] = '<td>'.$qty234[cnt1].'</td>';

$output[] = '</tr>';




$output[] = '</table>';



} else {

$output[] = '<p>Sorry You Have No Items In Your Cart.</p>';


return join('',$output);







Thnx in Advance



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Actually it is there GingerRobot. Lol. Just hard to spot because of the way the code was pasted.





function writeShoppingCart() {
$cart = $_SESSION['cart'];
$cat_ID = $_SESSION['cat_ID'];

if (!$cart) {
return '<p>Sorry You Have No Items In Your Cart</p>';
} else {
// Parse the cart session variable
$items = explode(',',$cart);
$s = (count($items) > 1) ? 's':'';
return '<p>You have <a href="cart.php">'.count($items).' item'.$s.' in your shopping cart[/url]</p>';

function showCart() {
global $db;
$cart = $_SESSION['cart'];
$cat_ID = $_SESSION['cat_ID'];

$qty1 = $_POST["qty1"];
$qty1 = $_SESSION['qty1'];

$qty2 = $_POST["qty2"];
$qty2 = $_SESSION['qty2'];

if ($cart) {
$items = explode(',',$cart);
$contents = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
$contents[$item] = (isset($contents[$item])) ? $contents[$item] + 1 : 1;
$output[] = '<form action="cart.php?action=update" name="cart" method="post" id="cart"&qty1="qty1"&qty2="qty2">';
$output[] = '<table width="501" >';
$output[] = '<tr bgcolor="#00659C" height="25">';
$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\">Remove</font></td>';
$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\">Product Name</font></td>';
$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\">Quantity</font></td>';
$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\">Size</font></td>';
$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\">Unit   (mt/kg/unit)</font></td>';
$output[] = '</tr>';
$output[] = '<tr height="30" >';
$output[] = '<td></td>';
$output[] = '<td></td>';
$output[] = '<td></td>';
$output[] = '<td></td>';
$output[] = '<td></td>';
$output[] = '</tr>';

foreach ($contents as $id=>$qty)
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM products WHERE id ='.$id ;
$result = $db->query($sql);
$row = $result->fetch();

$output[] = '<tr>';
$output[] = '<td><a href="cart.php?action=delete&id='.$id.'" class="r">Remove[/url]</td>';
$output[] = '<td><p>'.$product_NAME.'</p></td>';
$output[] = '<td><p><input type="text" name="qty'.$id.'" value="'.$qty.'" size="10"/> </p></td>';
$output[] = '<td><p><input type="text" name="qty1" value="'.$qty1.'"  size="10"/> </p></td>';
$output[] = '<td><p><input type="text" name="qty2"  value="'.$qty2.'" size="10"/> </p></td>';
$output[] = '<tr>';
$output[] = '</table>';
$output[] = '<div><button type="submit">Update cart</button></div>';
$output[] = '</form>';
}else {
$output[] = '<p>Sorry You Have No Items In Your Cart.</p>';
return join('',$output);
function showCart1() {
global $db;

$cart = $_SESSION['cart'];
if ($cart) {
$items = explode(',',$cart);
$contents = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
$contents[$item] = (isset($contents[$item])) ? $contents[$item] + 1 : 1;
$output[] = '<table>';
$output[] = '<table width="501" >';
$output[] = '<tr bgcolor="#00659C" height="25">';
$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\">SINo</font></td>';
$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\">Product Name</font></td>';
$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\">Quantity</font></td>';
$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\">Size</font></td>';
$output[] = '<td><font face=\"Arial\" color=\"#FF0000\">Unit</font></td>';
$output[] = '</tr>';
$output[] = '<tr height="5" >';
$output[] = '<td></td>';
$output[] = '<td></td>';
$output[] = '<td></td>';
$output[] = '<td></td>';
$output[] = '<td></td>';
$output[] = '</tr>';
foreach ($contents as $id=>$qty)
global $db;
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = '.$id;
$result = $db->query($sql);
$row = $result->fetch();

$qty123 = $_POST["qty1"];
$qty234 = $_POST["qty2"];

$output[] = '<tr>';
$output[] = '<td>'.$cnt.'</td>';
$output[] = '<td>'.$product_NAME.'</td>';
$output[] = '<td>'.$qty.'</td>';
$output[] = '<td>'.$qty123[cnt1].'</td>';
$output[] = '<td>'.$qty234[cnt1].'</td>';
$output[] = '</tr>';
$output[] = '</table>';

} else {
$output[] = '<p>Sorry You Have No Items In Your Cart.</p>';
return join('',$output);


And as I said, check the $row is actually being returned. If not, you have an error in your query.

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this is visible in the page if i put the code

echo "<pre>", print_r($row), "</pre>";



    [id] => 2

    [cat_ID] => 1

    [product_NAME] => Garnet

    [image_URL] => images/Garnet.jpg

    [product_NOTES1] => totally natural almandite XXXXXXXXXXXXXX



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Having read the first few lines of the OP's post I noted that he mentioned a failure in the extract() function.

I don't recommend the usage of this function, as it extracts arrays into variables in the current symbol table. This could cause variables you already have of the same name to be overwritten. USE WITH CAUTION!!!


Incidently the error implies that whatever variable you're giving it to extract is NOT an array. Hence your problem.

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Thnx ur Suggesion.


But can u pls suggest which function should i use in place of extract() function.I have already post my code ie cart.php and function.inc.php.and one more php page i have where we declare all the variables of mysql classes.If u want then i can  send u that Page.




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