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Hi there,

just registered and looking for some advice on building my LAMP server.
I was almost on my way to completing my build with the following

Fedora 5 Linux
Apache (httpd-2.2.2)
MySQL 5.0
PHP 5.0.

I had installed from source the LAM & then installed PHP. All of a sudden my vhosts-apachectl would
not work. I had edited my /etc/hosts on my windows box to go to the IP address of my linux box
to test vhosts. However after PHP I couldnt even get apachectl start to work.

Then I got into this debate at work regarding which is better to use, source of binaries. For the benefit
of upgrading I have been RPM's are better. But every LAMP guide I've read instructs you to build from

Can anyone who has successfully built a LAMP let me know the pro's & cons. Id rather use source as
Im trying to learn how my system works rather than letting it do things that I have no knowledge of.
For instance, most guides say install to /usr/local/src but yum would put install to /usr/bin/ ...
My apache install went sweet with no probs and that was source and I ran the usual ./configure &
make / make install. MySQL went fine and I even made some databases/tables. Since It wouldnt work I just wiped the box and done a clean install again, I've currently just installed httpd again, which works fine, and am debating how I should continue. A LAMP server built on source as well as binaries would probably not be
the best way forward.

I appreciate anyone reading this and taking the time to reply.

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I build everything from source, but then again I run [a href=\"http://gentoo.org\" target=\"_blank\"]Gentoo[/a] Linux which itself, I build from source.

The main benifit of building from source is YOU have the choice of which extensions you want installed. Myself, at home on my dev server I have nearly every available extension built into php. I never know what Im going to need.

However, having said that, Gentoo has a package management system which builds everthing from source for me. I dont need to run any ./configure. I simply pass my ./configure options to the package manager as [i]USE[/i] flags. Anyway... I guess what Im getting at is that I have installing from source alot easier than someone using something like Fedora would. I dont have to worry about dependencies, finding and downloading the packages, its all taken care of.

If you have the time and the patience Id'e allways recommend building from source. Sometimes however its just not worth the time investment.
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