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Please check my final collage final project


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Please check my all work and tell me possible soultion and error's for improvement.

here is the links to check it



My project is basically a simple online banking system which offer basic services towords customers


please tell me how it is and how much it needs to improve in which

areas i will work more to get the grade A

waitign for your valueable reply


the website link is show below :


main page



ON LEFT side of the meue click on the link onlin_banking

then it will as you for login name and password

then enter hamza username and password is hamza

enter in the site and explore the following optiosn

please check both admin and user side as well


waiting for the valuable replies



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Hi Hamza..


Here is a list of my opinions:


- Make sure your website validates.

- The graphics / gui lacks polish (but perhaps graphics is not the important thing for this project?)

- For the 'Latest News', perhaps instead of scrolling links, perhaps a simple clean list of non-scrolling links? Some people may not like scrolling items (you risk annoying some people).

- I noticed that when I click on 'Online Banking', I am brought to a whole page devoted to clicking a single login button. So basically, to log in, I have to click on 2 links ('Online Banking', then 'Login'). What is important to understand here is that when designing a website, you should devise it in such a way so that the user clicks on the least amount possible to achieve something. I would go so far as to have the login fields built into the 'Online Banking' panel on the left hand side. So in otherwords, 'Online Banking' is not a link.. just a heading, with the login fields and a submit button placed below it).This way, the user doesn't have to go through hoops to log in.. Having important fields like this always accessible without needing to click eliminates more work that the user has to do.

- The same principal of reducing work for the user is when dealing with 'Fund Transfers' once I am logged in. I click on this link, only to be confronted by yet another link to transfer funds. The 'double front door' effect is a fast way to annoy users. You should integrate all the transfer information to the page that 'Transfer Funds' leads to.. make it all visible in one shot.. again, don't make people click on redundant links to get to information (this should apply to all sections within the site that does this).

- I noticed that the 'accounts' link is expandable and collapsable (this is under the 'Account Services' section once logged in. Very nice. But what happens if someone disables Javascript in their browser? I tried this.. I only get the initial link (what you should do is detect if javascript is enabled... if so, do what it currently does.. if it doesn't, display all the links by default).. Keep accessibility in mind! On a related note, perhaps using a down arrow as a bullet beside the Accounts link to illustrate that it is a dropdown menu? Otherwise, it isn't obvious.

- [EDIT] The constant changing graphic on the right hand side once logged in is annoying and takes up space for nothing. The space could be better utilized for other useful / important user information.

Overall, it is the lack of graphic polish, the redundant links and perhaps a need of restructuring the gui to have built in login fields that hurts this the most IMO. Its a good start, but you have to design with more ease of use in mind.





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user/contactus/contactus.php /   user/faqs/faqs_customers.php   right side messed up    huge gaps between content



user/online_banking/services/customer/private_messages_read.php no left side  it messes up so theres no navagation from this page


left side of the admin in the nav rates has an extra s making it ratess


right side messed up i would add a small border in that table it looks kind of jumbled in there


user/thoughts_suggestions/thoughts.php left and right side messed up and are way spaced out huge gaps between content


another thing id add seeing is its a banking page is theres currently 3 people logged into this account that seems like a bad thing  for banking info..



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Theres actually 4 images in the header.  Those colors clash a lot and are not friendly.  They should be lighter color IMO.  That dark brown color is not good.  The scrolling text is black and is hard to read against the dark brown.  Try using lighter colors with dark text.

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yeah you are right the dark brown is  not looks good will change it soon


left menu is overlapign true again.


i dont mind when someone say true .



Can you tell me about the three images on headers

what is that mean

and what should you suggest about the header

how many images usually it required or ??




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This is a very big project for a college project, and realistically it isnt viable to do it at such an early stage.


you have made a good attempt, but somehow it just doesnt feel at all secure.


The images clash, with a banking system you want something sleek, soemthign you would put your trust in.



As an example i will use cars.


take a new car for example, poeple pay more for them as they are sleek, they have just enough features without being overfacing to the user, this is how your site should aspire to be.


i hope this helps at least a little.

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thanks for your time


yeah i actually no knowledge of banking so

i thought that if i start project like this

then may be i will make my self understand

of banking a little bit understanding i have

got now

my both banking and knowledge purpose

after making this

and lucky i have got A grade in it

but i want it to imporve more

that is why i need comments



in last paragraph

not  a little bit understanding i have got.

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