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Return Mysql data from function


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I am trying to separate my view from my database more, because it is getting far to annoying to edit. I was trying to a make a function that would retrieve data from my MySQL database, so I could then use it in my view. Basically what I want the view to look like is:


echo '<b>' . $class['name'] . '</b><br/>';


How would I code the function that would make that work? Thanks.

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As far as I can tell, the only relation between get_classes($user) and $class['name] is that both obviously pertain to classes.  What exactly are you trying to do?

I want to keep my MySQL queries out of my view. In my view I would like to print a list of classes, and in my functions file I want to create the function get_classes. I want to keep all of the view code (html and stuff) in the view, and all the database access code in my functions file.

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You're talking about separating DB calls from a view and you don't know how to do this?  What a strange order in which to learn PHP.




Just make a function that returns what you want.



function get_something() {

    return 'something';

    //obviously this would be a DB call or something.




Then in your view:



$var = get_something();

echo "Say something: {$var}";





(The handling of the return would of course differ depending on the return type.  IE, if it were an array, you would loop through it or something instead of just straight editing it out.)

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You're talking about separating DB calls from a view and you don't know how to do this?  What a strange order in which to learn PHP.




Just make a function that returns what you want.



function get_something() {

    return 'something';

    //obviously this would be a DB call or something.




Then in your view:



$var = get_something();

echo "Say something: {$var}";





(The handling of the return would of course differ depending on the return type.  IE, if it were an array, you would loop through it or something instead of just straight editing it out.)

I know the basic use of functions, but I dont want get_something() to print the whole table. I want mysql data to display in a table, but I want all the table code in the view and all the mysql code in the functions file.

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You can use this function for populate single field from table of spacific record


function GetField($TableName,$InputFieldName,$InputFieldValue,$OutputFieldName)


$sql= "Select ".$OutputFieldName." from ".$TableName ." Where ". $InputFieldName."='".$InputFieldValue."'";

$res=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()) ;


if (mysql_num_rows($res) > 0 )





//echo $str;

return $str;



Another is, using this you will get two dimensional array.


like  if you pass

$arr = select_row("select * from employee");

you can retrieve the fields like


1st record == $arr[0]['name']

2nd record == $arr[1]['name']


Please check it, if you have any problem, please let me know..




function select_row($sql)


if ($sql!="")


$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()) ;

if ($result)


while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))

$data[] = $row;


return $data;




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