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[SOLVED] line rewrite


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can someone help me rewrite this line of code to look for <?php I understand the first part of the code but after the bracet i'm getting confused. The -4 is that combining all the characters its subtracting and if so would i use -7 with a <?php change?


        if (substr($s,0,2)=='<?' && substr($s,strlen($s)-2,2)=='?>') {$s = substr($s,2,strlen($s)-4); eval($s);$s = '';}

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ah right, that probably needs to change to -7


is this the best way to combine the two?


        if (substr($s,0,2)=='<?' && substr($s,strlen($s)-2,2)=='?>') {
        	$s = substr($s,2,strlen($s)-4); 
eval($s);$s = '';
} elseif 
(substr($s,0,5)=='<?php' && substr($s,strlen($s)-2,2)=='?>') {
$s = substr($s,2,strlen($s)-7); 
eval($s);$s = '';

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Well...only reason I can see value in that is if you are anticipating the use of both the regular and short tags, but tbh, I'd probably rather look into getting rid of the short tags to begin with.  Regardless, it might be cleaner and shorter to use a preg_match, but I'm not really the person to be talking to about that.  Hopefully someone more versed in regex will come along with better insight.

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Well...only reason I can see value in that is if you are anticipating the use of both the regular and short tags, but tbh, I'd probably rather look into getting rid of the short tags to begin with.  Regardless, it might be cleaner and shorter to use a preg_match, but I'm not really the person to be talking to about that.  Hopefully someone more versed in regex will come along with better insight.


my plan was to switch all tags to <?php but I figure its safer to have the code check for both short and regular just in case I over look a short tag. I guess another option would be running a command line code that would search all directories for .tpl and .php files and replace "<? " (with a space) with <?php

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Well...only reason I can see value in that is if you are anticipating the use of both the regular and short tags, but tbh, I'd probably rather look into getting rid of the short tags to begin with.  Regardless, it might be cleaner and shorter to use a preg_match, but I'm not really the person to be talking to about that.  Hopefully someone more versed in regex will come along with better insight.


my plan was to switch all tags to <?php but I figure its safer to have the code check for both short and regular just in case I over look a short tag. I guess another option would be running a command line code that would search all directories for .tpl and .php files and replace "<? " (with a space) with <?php


You could use Perl for this.


@files = glob '*.php';
undef $/;
for $file (@files) {
    open(FILE, "+<$file") || next;
    $_ = <FILE>;
    print FILE $_;



I just wrote that up in like 2 minutes, so it probably has an error or something I overlooked.  Play around with it.   

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