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RAM For mysql


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My database accumlates 1.5GB of data


Here are the stats taken of the last 50 days



Query statistics: Since its startup, 395,295,392 queries have been sent to the server.

Total ø per hour ø per minute ø per second

395 M 325.21 k 5.42 k 90.34


Select = 42.21%

Update = 21.16%

Insert = 2%

Change db = 18.2%



I have 32GB of ram at my disposal and 4x single core Xeon 2.7GHZ 2MB cache, however I am using some of it for Virtual machines but only for webservers so wont use too much!


The max amount of memory I have ever seen a dedicated mysql box have was 12GB and if I remember correctly it never used more than 8GB


What would you recomend the minimum memory and CPU to give to MYSQL based on those stats above. Remember this is the central database so anything MYSQL related will go to this!


All my tables are InnoDB


At current I have 1 server (3GB memory, 2 single core CPU, which handles mysql, apache, lighttpd and the load does suffer at peak

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