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Variable outside function


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I would like to ask how I can access a variable set in one function in another function. I know session would work, but I don't think that would be a smart choice. I did some research on globals and found it to be useless in this case (as far as I understood, I have never used them before)).


Here is some simple code to illustrate my problem:


Form with two buttons here ("mybutton" & "my2ndbutton")


function myfunction1()


      // MySQL query is done here and variables are set to store the results like this:

      $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);

      $title = $row['title'];


function my2ndfunction($title)


      // Here I need to access $title found in myfunction1(). Yes, I realize that that function needs to be called first. 


// If "mybutton" is clicked, myfunction1() is called
if (isset($_POST['mybutton']))




// If "my2ndbutton" is clicked, my2ndfunction is called and should make $title available in the function
elseif (isset($_POST['my2ndbutton']))






I hope I made myself clear and that you can understand my problem.


Thank you in advance for your help.

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Thanks. I managed to get the variables out of there, but as a result, a new problem occurred; in the function where I find the variables I want to export from the function, I do a query and then echo the data. However, when I do like you suggested, my function would be called multiple times. For instance, it's called one time to find $title. Then when I do this...


$title = myfunction1();


... then the function is called once again, which is a problem cause I'm echo'ing the data in myfunction1() as well. So, for each variable I would export to use in another function, myfunction1() would be run one time. Maybe it's just me being stupid, I don't know. It wouldn't really be a problem if it wasn't because I'm outputting the data inside the function


Any way to get around this?

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Except for functions that are specifically created to echo data, functions should always return the results they were crafted to produce. You can do anything with a returned value, assign it to a variable, pass it as a parameter to another function, or echo it. If your function echo's output, you are stuck with a function that will always echo output.

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