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[SOLVED] Can anyone help me in setting up a web server on my PC.


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Dear People,


Can anyone help me in setting up a web server on my PC.

My situation; my web server is working fine on my PC, only problem, when I have to call my pages from a remote computer, I have to type in my ip address on the remote pc’s address bar.


I have a valid domain name, please guide me on how and what I should configure so that someone could type my domain name on his PC despite of my ip address.



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You would need to provide information on your PC's Internet connection. Is this a DSL/Cable connection? Do you have a static IP address or a dynamic IP, assigned using DHCP?


To get your domain name to resolve to your PC's IP address you will need to use a domain name server (DNS) that has records that point to your IP address. If you don't have a DNS, you can use a service like DynDNS -  http://www.dyndns.com/

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My final goal is: My server PC will see a Router, this intern will see a Cable Modem (Dynamic IP), this intern will see the Internet.


For now, I will connect the server PC direct to the cable modem.


Can I put in my IP address into any of the follwing (found at "DomainDetails" page provided by my domain name registerer):


Name Servers: (Last Update 8/16/2008)





Domain is not forwarded. 


Total DNS: (Not hosted here) 

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To get your domain name to resolve to your PC's IP address you will need to use a domain name server (DNS) that has records that point to your IP address. If you don't have a DNS, you can use a service like DynDNS -  http://www.dyndns.com/


The name server records at your domain registrar must point to the DNS server that is responsible for giving out the IP address of your server.

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I registered with dyndns ysterday, but they are asking a fee, further, I could not find a documentation on how to perform what I want to do.


May I kindly ask please give me some specific instructions.


Will I need to pay for this forwarding service, the main reason I want this setup is because I do not want to pay for serverspace.



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dyndns ask for a fee if you want to use your own domain, they only offer the free service using a subdomain of one of there domains.


The fee is minimal, and I in fact don't think you will find a free service ovffering what you need.

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I have already have a domain name, I hired a server space earlier for 1 year, due to the size and memory requirement, I was told I can only hire virtual server, it is too expensive, thus i want to point it to my own computer, since my use only ad hoc.


By chance if I could find a free way of pointing my domain to my computer, I wil be very happy. As I mentioned, when I put in my ip address at PCs else where, my server works as it would like the serverspace provider.


All I need it to translate my doamin namr to my IP address and point, for free, thanks.

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You don't need to buy a domain from dyndns to use there service. They are a DNS provider. You give them your ip and domain name and they will point the doamin to your ip.


Im am not aware of any free service that offers this functionality.


ps: I run several servers from home, all through dyndns, its reliable and cheap.

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