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i am passing a number through a form and the input will be a range like "234204". I need to try and recursively locate a file named this in a directory called repository:
















and then copy the found files to a directory called ready-to-email:





I know the file names will have different endings, but the center of the files will have the "client id" number. (yes the subfolders are named after the last 3 digits of the client id) I need to copy all files that match the 9 digit client id number.


I saw file_exists but am not sure if that will work because i need to move all files that match and i wouldn't know what comes after the client id. i mean . . . i don't have a way of specifying what the full name is and that seems to be the only way to get file_exists to work.


I am not too savvy in this and would love some help. thanks in advance to all the readers and submitters of this forum!

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Try something like this to get you started (I didn't test it):


function search($path, $string)
$dir = new DirectoryIterator($path);

foreach ($dir as $item) {
	if ($item->isDir() && !$item->isDot()) {
		search($item->getRealPath(), $string);
	else if ($item->isFile()) {
		if (strpos($item->getFilename(), $string) !== false) {
			echo $item->getRealPath() . PHP_EOL;

search('/repository', '234204');


It will search recursively through a directory, $path, and print the path to all the files that contain $string in their filenames.

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^ If that doesn't work you might want to try:


# FTP file search by LudakoT, all rights given away ludakot[at]gmail.com
# Searches a filename until it's found or when all directories on the server are viewed
# Tested on my local ftp server on winxp and debian
use strict;
use Net::FTP;
use Getopt::Std;
my %args;
my ($host,$port,$user,$password,$filename);
getopts (":h:P:u:H:f:p:d", \%args);
if(!defined $args{h} || !defined $args{f}) {
if(!defined $args{P}) {
$port = 21;
else {
$port = $args{P};
if(!defined $args{u}) {
$user = 'anonymous';
else {
$user = $args{u};
if(!defined $args{p}) {
$password = 'foo@bar';
else {
$password = $args{p};
if(defined $args{H}) {
$host = $args{h};
$filename = $args{f};
my $ftp = Net::FTP->new($host, Port => $port, Debug => 0) or die $@;
$ftp->login($user,$password) or die $ftp->message;
my @start = $ftp->ls; # See what we have in the root of the ftp server
foreach (@start) {
if($_ eq $filename) {
# Perhaps the file is already here
print "File found in: ", $ftp->pwd(),"\n";
if(defined $args{d}) {
$ftp->get($filename) or die $ftp->message;
exit; # Remove this if you want to search for other files with the same name
sub search {
my $dir = shift;
my $startdir = $ftp->pwd(); # Remember where you came from
# In this environment, you can tell the difference between directories and files
$ftp->cwd($dir) or next;
my @names = $ftp->ls; # List everything we have in this directory
foreach my $name (@names) {
if($name eq $filename) { # Is our file here?
print "File found in: ", $ftp->pwd(),"\n";
if(defined $args{d}) {
$ftp->get($filename) or die $ftp->message;
exit; # Remove this if you want to search for other files with the same name
search($name); # Search the next possible directory
$ftp->cwd($startdir); # Back where you came from
sub usage {
print qq~
-h hostname *
-f filename *
-u username [default anonymous]
-p password [default foo[at]bar]
-P portnumber [default 21]
-d download file when found
-H display help
Options marked with '*' are mandatory
Example: perl $0 -h -f foo.zip
# TODO: Search with wildcards and question marks


Found it at https://www.elitehackers.info/forums/archive/index.php/t-8159.html, credit goes to "LudakoT".

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