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better grasp on sending and recieving data with stored procedures


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I'm currently in the process of advancing my skills with stored prodcures in mysql. I would consider myself a well trained novice.  I currently have a smarty template site that is running with php in the background, that then connects to a mysql database. 



within my index.tpl page i have...


{html_options name="ProductDisplay" options=$obj->mProductDisplayOptions selected=$obj->mProduct.display}
<input type="submit" name="SetProductDisplayOption" value="Set" />       


within my php class plug-in page i have...


    if (isset ($_POST['SetProductDisplayOption']))
      $product_display = $_POST['ProductDisplay'];
      Catalog::SetProductDisplayOption($this->_mProductId, $product_display);


within my php Catalog page i have php code that reads the procedures from my mysql database.


within my mysql procedure, i call a list of all the products listed in my databse.  But I also want to build a CASE WHEN statement of 3 values to ORBER BY....  I want to order my list of items by name, price, or description.  I know how to build that actual statement itself, I'm just not sure how to tell my index.tpl page to sort the list of products by the CASE I  have set in my prodecure.  Does that make sense?



Here is the code the retrieves a list of my products...


  PREPARE statement FROM
    "SELECT DISTINCT p.product_id, p.name,
                     IF(LENGTH(p.description) <= ?,
                        CONCAT(LEFT(p.description, ?),
                               '...')) AS description,
                     p.price, p.discounted_price, p.thumbnail
     FROM            product p


thanks for the help!






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my apologies for not clarifying that.  I would like to sort my list by either

name or description or price, depending on what i select from my html_options dropdown.


I have a procedeer that gets all full list of items

  PREPARE statement FROM
    "SELECT DISTINCT p.product_id, p.name,
                     IF(LENGTH(p.description) <= ?,
                        CONCAT(LEFT(p.description, ?),
                               '...')) AS description,
                     p.price, p.discounted_price, p.thumbnail
     FROM            product p
ORDER BY p.description;


but now i want to take adjust that code so its based on a conditional statement coming from my html_options drop down.


I guess I could create 3 different proceeders, each of them having a different ORDER by p...., but that just seems stupid to me.  any help would be appriciated!




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