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I need a little help. Thanks if you can.


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I am very new to this language and need a little help on correcting what I have.

This is a script for a word guessing game. Allows users to guess the word letter-by-letter by entering a character in a form. Start by assigning a secret word to a variable. After each guess, print the word using asterisks for each remaining letter, but fill in the letters that the user guessed correctly. You need to store the user's guess in a hidden form field. In my example the word is "smile" so if a user guesses "s" the word will look like s**** then if they guess "l" the word will now change to s**l* and so on tell its done.


  <title>Guessing Game</title>
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
<h1>Guessing Game</h1><hr />

$NumReturn = strpos ($secretWord,$Guess);                                       // returns the number (0-4) of the $guess in the word "smile"
$NumWordMatch = substr ($secretWord,$NumReturn,1);                             // display the corresponding character of the word "smile"
$encryptsecretWord=substr_replace($encryptsecretWord,"$NumWordMatch",$NumReturn,1); // puts up stars and works better ***this is the good one***

if (isset($_GET['letter']) && isset($_GET['progress'])) {
   $Guess = $_GET['letter'];
   $Hold = $_GET['progress'];
   if ($Guess == $Hold)
      echo "<p>You have guessed all letters corectly.</p>";

$check = $secretWord;                               // test to see if the guess is contained in the secret word
if (substr_replace($check,"$NumWordMatch", $Guess,1)!==False)
   echo "<p>Mystery Word is $encryptsecretWord</p>";



<form action="untitled2.php" method="get"

<p><input type="hidden" name="progress" size="20" value="<?php if(!empty($_GET['letter'])) echo $_GET['letter'] ?>" /></p>
<p><input type="text" name="letter" size="20" value="<?php if(!empty($_GET['letter'])) echo $_GET['letter'] ?>" /></p>
<p>Enter a letter and click the Submit Letter button</p>
<p><input type="submit" value="Submit Letter" /></p>
</form><hr />


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Well for what I have when I select a correct letter its not replacing the * with the correct letter. The script knows when I pick any letter out of the word smile it will display s**** thus the script knows s,m,i,l,e is in the word. But if I pick any letter not in smile it will display nothing. So therefore it's not displaying what I want.

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