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Help with showing specific banner, based on a article's category...

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hello, all:


I ham trying to make it so I can show a banner according to a blog articles's category(ries). per example if a posting (or postings) appears under category 101, then show banner1, if it  appears on category 102, show banner2, if category 103 show banner3 and so forth. Problem is a post can belong to several categories, along 2 separate tables, in one-to-many relationship. I want the script to 'see" that a post appears in any of these specific categories and show its appropriate banner. This is a Wordpress blog setup.


After I created a mysql script  to bring all  records into my webpage, I then created a another if-else statement  to call up each banner accordingly, something like "if category xxx appears show banner1, else if category zzz appears then show banner2, else if category yyy appears then show banner3, else show ALL banners.


So, right now, the problem is, if an article is tagged with ONLY that specific category, it works fine, it shows proper banner, BUT  if an article is tagged across several categories, INCLUDING the one specific one (like belonging to categories 101, 12, 6, 200, etc), then it show's all banners, I figure cause it's obviously reading all other categories, and therefore shows all banners. But it should show ONLY the one banner associated with the specific category in question (in this case 101).


Here are the 2 related  tables which have the common post id field (see example entries, and there are many more fields, but I summarized to make easier)


TABLE 1:  wp_posts  (posts table)


ID      post_title                post_content            post_date    etc...

66    The Dog barks

67    The Cat Meows

68    The Duck Quacks 

69    The Crocodile 



TABLE 2: wp_post2cat  (Categories table)


post_id    category_id

66            101

66            565

66            756

67            101

68            130               



SoI created a mysql-recordset  to pull in articles based on a post's ID url value (articleBannersRS), and I added the code below where my banners are supposed to show up:






if ($row_articleBannersRS['category_id'] == '101') {include('inc_banner1.php'); }


elseif ($row_articleBannersRS['category_id'] == '102') {include('inc_banner2.php'); }


elseif ($row_articleBannersRS['category_id'] == '103') {include('inc_banner3.php'); }


else {












As I said, posts with single categories (like posts 67 & 68) would show proper banner, but in the case of post # 66, that belongs to several categories, it would do the final "else" statement and show "ALL banners" when I want it to only show the banner that corresponds to  category 101.


Maybe I am not joining or doing my msql statement properly?  this is my mysql statement:



FROM wp_posts, wp_post2cat

WHERE wp_posts.ID = (here would be url post-id value) AND wp_posts.ID = wp_post2cat.post_id


Well, this makes sense...


Thanks in advance!

if ( in_array("101", $row_articleBannersRS) ){   include('inc_banner1.php');   }
if ( in_array("102", $row_articleBannersRS) ){   include('inc_banner2.php');   }
if ( in_array("103", $row_articleBannersRS) ){   include('inc_banner3.php');   }



Would that work?

hmmm... no, not doing it right.. I did get an error that shows up if I dont actually give a url parameter to look for a post's ID:


Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in (url address) on line 42


It still kind of doing same thing as before, it properly shows correct banner if a post is tagged as having only THAT ONE specific category, but if it has other category tags ALONG with the one category then it shows all banners...


It is also doing right thing by showing ALL banners if none of the specified categories are present...


Seems like it's close, but cant figure it out...

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