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Multiple Apache Instances for Control Panel


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I am a fast learning linux noobie,  I just setup a Ubuntu Server edition on an old PC on my LAN I got everything working (I.E. Apache2, PHP5, Perl, MySQL, ftp, Outgoing mailserver etc....) that mail server was a real b*tch I had to set it up to use gmail as a smart host.


So my current server configuration handles multiple users with symbolic links.


/var/www/user-administrator --> /home/administrator/www

/var/www/user-brandon --> /home/brandon/www

/var/www/user-neil --> /home/neil/www


I was looking up on vhost for this exact problem I am having, and I see what I have done isn't exactly how most people would have done it so I will probably fix up that structuring using vhosts later.


So what I am trying to do:


I am want to run a second installation of Apache as the root user.  Now before you scream at me about that not being safe let me explain!


I plan on creating a Control Panel similar to Webmin or cPanel or Direct Admin.  But this would use php as its engine.  Now you can't execute certain commands like shell_exec("useradd -u....."); because Apache doesn't run as the root user and only root permissions can execute functions like that.


This is why I would like to install a separate installation of Apache on a port other than that of 80 maybe 5555 or something not used by other software that I might be using.


Please let me know if this is possible, I have searched the web for a while trying to find anything on this and I can't, so maybe I am going about this wrong.


As I said I am a newbie to this linux so maybe software like Webmin and cPanel do this totally different to my knowledge they use Shell Scripts or Perl or Python and I know Python and Shell Scripts can easily be run as a root user.


But I would like to have these functions be executed via php's shell_exec(); or exec(); commands.


Kind Regards,


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