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[SOLVED] Esacape Html entries


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So im writing a script to submit storyies to my site  and clearly dont want users to submit html tags or xss attacks

but i want new lines to auto imput the <br /> tags i thought the below might work but all it does is escape the br tag as well

<?php    // validate text input fields
    $cTitle = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Title']);
    $cGenre = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Genre']);
    $cDate = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Date']);
    $fArticle = str_replace("\n","<br/>",$_POST['Article']);
    $cAuthor = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Author']);
    $cloginid  = mysql_escape_string($_POST['loginid']);

$formArticle = mysql_escape_string($fArticle);

$Title = htmlentities($cTitle,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Genre = htmlentities($cGenre,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Date = htmlentities($cDate,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Article = htmlentities($formArticle,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Author = htmlentities($cAuthor,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$loginid = htmlentities($cloginid,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");

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// validate text input fields
    $cTitle = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Title']);
    $cGenre = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Genre']);
    $cDate = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Date']);
    $farticle =n12br($_POST['Article']); //  allows the <br /> tag
    $cAuthor = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Author']);
    $cloginid  = mysql_escape_string($_POST['loginid']);

$formArticle = mysql_escape_string($fArticle);

$Title = htmlentities($cTitle,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Genre = htmlentities($cGenre,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Date = htmlentities($cDate,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Article = htmlentities($formArticle,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Author = htmlentities($cAuthor,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$loginid = htmlentities($cloginid,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");

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that wouldnt submit to my db its not making an error tho its just not generating code past a certain lin hard to explain


username and pass are both

phpfreaks submit a few articles and you will see what i mean



    $cTitle = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Title']);
    $cGenre = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Genre']);
    $cDate = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Date']);
    $farticle =n12br($_POST['Article']); //  allows the <br /> tag
    $cAuthor = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Author']);
    $cloginid  = mysql_escape_string($_POST['loginid']);

$formArticle = mysql_escape_string($fArticle);

$Title = htmlentities($cTitle,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Genre = htmlentities($cGenre,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Date = htmlentities($cDate,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Article = htmlentities($formArticle,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Author = htmlentities($cAuthor,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$loginid = htmlentities($cloginid,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");


    // check for errors

    // if none found...

    if (sizeof($errorList) == 0)


        // open database connection

        $connection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die ("Unable to connect!");

        // select database

        mysql_select_db($db) or die ("Unable to select database!");

        // generate and execute query

        $query = "INSERT INTO story (Title, Genre, Article, Date, Author, loginid) VALUES('$Title','$Genre','$Article','$Date','$Author','$loginid')";

        $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error());

        // print result

        echo "<p>Update successful.<a href=index.php>Go Home</a>.<br />
<a href=addstory.php>Add Another</p>";

        // close database connection





        // errors found

        // print as list

        echo "<font size=-1>The following errors were encountered: <br>";

        echo "<ul>";

        for ($x=0; $x<sizeof($errorList); $x++)


            echo "<li>$errorList[$x]";


        echo "</ul></font>";




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Allows it to submit just fine just doesnt do the auto insert  or br /< tags on a new line

// validate text input fields
    $cTitle = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Title']);
    $cGenre = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Genre']);
    $cDate = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Date']);
    $farticle =n12br($_POST['Article']); //  allows the <br /> tag
    $cAuthor = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Author']);
    $cloginid  = mysql_escape_string($_POST['loginid']);

$formArticle = mysql_escape_string($fArticle);

$Title = htmlentities($cTitle,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Genre = htmlentities($cGenre,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Date = htmlentities($cDate,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Article = htmlentities($formArticle,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Author = htmlentities($cAuthor,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$loginid = htmlentities($cloginid,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");



<head>	<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
function popup(mylink, windowname)
if (! window.focus)return true;
var href;
if (typeof(mylink) == 'string')
window.open(href, windowname, 'width=400,height=500,scrollbars=yes');
return false;

	<?php include("../template/meta.html"); ?>	
	<div class="contain">
<!-- start Header -->	
		<div class="header"></div>
<!-- End Header Start TopNav -->

		<div id="listmenu">
			<?php include("../template/topnav.html"); ?>
		<div class="clear"></div>
<!-- End Top Nav Start left Side Nav -->	

		<div class="nav">


require_once "header.php"; 
include "login.php";
// more content

<!-- End left Side Nav Start Ad Conent Right Side-->	

		<div class="ad">
			<?php include("../template/ads.html"); ?>
<!--End Ad Right Side Start Center Main Conent -->
		<div class="admincontent">

<!-- page header - snip -->


// form not yet submitted

// display initial form

if (!isset($_POST['submit']))



				<legend>Add Story</legend>
				<form action="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="POST">	

    $u = $_SESSION['username'];
    $uid = $_SESSION['loginid'];

$query = "SELECT * FROM login WHERE loginid = '$uid'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error());
// if records present
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
// iterate through resultset
// print article titles
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))
<input type=hidden name="Author" value="<? echo $row->username; ?>">
<input type=hidden name="loginid" value="<? echo $row->loginid; ?>">
// if no records present
// display message

// close database connection

							<input type=text name="Title" size="28">

									<label>Date: </label>
									<input type="text" name="Date"  size="28" value="<?php
$today = date("F j, Y");
PRINT "$today";
?>" /><br />
<select name="Genre">

$query = "SELECT * FROM genre";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error());
// if records present
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
// iterate through resultset
// print article titles
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))
<option value="<? echo $row->Genre; ?>"><? echo $row->Genre; ?>

// if no records present
// display message

// close database connection
?></select><a style="font-weight:bold;" href="gpop.php" onClick="return popup(this, 'Events')" title="Opens in pop up">Add Type</a>

							<textarea name="Article" cols="46" rows="15"></textarea>

<input type="Submit" name="submit" value="Add">






   // includes



    // set up error list array

    $errorList = array();

    $count = 0;


    // validate text input fields
// validate text input fields
    $cTitle = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Title']);
    $cGenre = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Genre']);
    $cDate = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Date']);
    $farticle =n12br($_POST['Article']); //  allows the <br /> tag
    $cAuthor = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Author']);
    $cloginid  = mysql_escape_string($_POST['loginid']);

$formArticle = mysql_escape_string($fArticle);

$Title = htmlentities($cTitle,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Genre = htmlentities($cGenre,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Date = htmlentities($cDate,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Article = htmlentities($formArticle,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Author = htmlentities($cAuthor,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$loginid = htmlentities($cloginid,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");


    // check for errors

    // if none found...

    if (sizeof($errorList) == 0)


        // open database connection

        $connection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die ("Unable to connect!");

        // select database

        mysql_select_db($db) or die ("Unable to select database!");

        // generate and execute query

        $query = "INSERT INTO story (Title, Genre, Article, Date, Author, loginid) VALUES('$Title','$Genre','$Article','$Date','$Author','$loginid')";

        $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error());

        // print result

        echo "<p>Update successful.<a href=index.php>Go Home</a>.<br />
<a href=addstory.php>Add Another</p>";

        // close database connection





        // errors found

        // print as list

        echo "<font size=-1>The following errors were encountered: <br>";

        echo "<ul>";

        for ($x=0; $x<sizeof($errorList); $x++)


            echo "<li>$errorList[$x]";


        echo "</ul></font>";




<!-- End Center Main Conent -->		
		<div class="clear"></div>	
<!-- footer -->
		<div class="footer">
				<?php include("../template/footer.html"); ?>
<!--end footer --> 

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there wasnt any its not submitting something properly


its odd this wont submit at all and messes with the layout on the return page

<head>	<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
function popup(mylink, windowname)
if (! window.focus)return true;
var href;
if (typeof(mylink) == 'string')
window.open(href, windowname, 'width=400,height=500,scrollbars=yes');
return false;

	<?php include("../template/meta.html"); ?>	
	<div class="contain">
<!-- start Header -->	
		<div class="header"></div>
<!-- End Header Start TopNav -->

		<div id="listmenu">
			<?php include("../template/topnav.html"); ?>
		<div class="clear"></div>
<!-- End Top Nav Start left Side Nav -->	

		<div class="nav">


require_once "header.php"; 
include "login.php";
// more content

<!-- End left Side Nav Start Ad Conent Right Side-->	

		<div class="ad">
			<?php include("../template/ads.html"); ?>
<!--End Ad Right Side Start Center Main Conent -->
		<div class="admincontent">

<!-- page header - snip -->


// form not yet submitted

// display initial form

if (!isset($_POST['submit']))



				<legend>Add Story</legend>
				<form action="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="POST">	

    $u = $_SESSION['username'];
    $uid = $_SESSION['loginid'];

$query = "SELECT * FROM login WHERE loginid = '$uid'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error());
// if records present
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
// iterate through resultset
// print article titles
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))
<input type=hidden name="Author" value="<? echo $row->username; ?>">
<input type=hidden name="loginid" value="<? echo $row->loginid; ?>">
// if no records present
// display message

// close database connection

							<input type=text name="Title" size="28">

									<label>Date: </label>
									<input type="text" name="Date"  size="28" value="<?php
$today = date("F j, Y");
PRINT "$today";
?>" /><br />
<select name="Genre">

$query = "SELECT * FROM genre";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error());
// if records present
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
// iterate through resultset
// print article titles
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))
<option value="<? echo $row->Genre; ?>"><? echo $row->Genre; ?>

// if no records present
// display message

// close database connection
?></select><a style="font-weight:bold;" href="gpop.php" onClick="return popup(this, 'Events')" title="Opens in pop up">Add Type</a>

							<textarea name="Article" cols="46" rows="15"></textarea>

<input type="Submit" name="submit" value="Add">






   // includes



    // set up error list array

    $errorList = array();

    $count = 0;


    // validate text input fields
// validate text input fields
    $cTitle = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Title']);
    $cGenre = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Genre']);
    $cDate = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Date']);
    $farticle =n12br($_POST['Article']); //  allows the <br /> tag
    $cAuthor = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Author']);
    $cloginid  = mysql_escape_string($_POST['loginid']);

$formArticle = mysql_escape_string($fArticle);

$Title = htmlentities($cTitle,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Genre = htmlentities($cGenre,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Date = htmlentities($cDate,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Article = htmlentities($formArticle,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Author = htmlentities($cAuthor,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$loginid = htmlentities($cloginid,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");


    // check for errors

    // if none found...

    if (sizeof($errorList) == 0)


        // open database connection

        $connection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die ("Unable to connect!");

        // select database

        mysql_select_db($db) or die ("Unable to select database!");

        // generate and execute query

        $query = "INSERT INTO story (Title, Genre, Article, Date, Author, loginid) VALUES('$Title','$Genre','$Article','$Date','$Author','$loginid')";

        $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error());

        // print result

        echo "<p>Update successful.<a href=index.php>Go Home</a>.<br />
<a href=addstory.php>Add Another</p>";

        // close database connection





        // errors found

        // print as list

        echo "<font size=-1>The following errors were encountered: <br>";

        echo "<ul>";

        for ($x=0; $x<sizeof($errorList); $x++)


            echo "<li>$errorList[$x]";


        echo "</ul></font>";




<!-- End Center Main Conent -->		
		<div class="clear"></div>	
<!-- footer -->
		<div class="footer">
				<?php include("../template/footer.html"); ?>
<!--end footer --> 



this submits stories just fine just doesnt do the <br /> as it escapes them

<head>	<SCRIPT TYPE="text/javascript">
function popup(mylink, windowname)
if (! window.focus)return true;
var href;
if (typeof(mylink) == 'string')
window.open(href, windowname, 'width=400,height=500,scrollbars=yes');
return false;

	<?php include("../template/meta.html"); ?>	
	<div class="contain">
<!-- start Header -->	
		<div class="header"></div>
<!-- End Header Start TopNav -->

		<div id="listmenu">
			<?php include("../template/topnav.html"); ?>
		<div class="clear"></div>
<!-- End Top Nav Start left Side Nav -->	

		<div class="nav">


require_once "header.php"; 
include "login.php";
// more content

<!-- End left Side Nav Start Ad Conent Right Side-->	

		<div class="ad">
			<?php include("../template/ads.html"); ?>
<!--End Ad Right Side Start Center Main Conent -->
		<div class="admincontent">

<!-- page header - snip -->


// form not yet submitted

// display initial form

if (!isset($_POST['submit']))



				<legend>Add Story</legend>
				<form action="<? echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="POST">	

    $u = $_SESSION['username'];
    $uid = $_SESSION['loginid'];

$query = "SELECT * FROM login WHERE loginid = '$uid'";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error());
// if records present
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
// iterate through resultset
// print article titles
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))
<input type=hidden name="Author" value="<? echo $row->username; ?>">
<input type=hidden name="loginid" value="<? echo $row->loginid; ?>">
// if no records present
// display message

// close database connection

							<input type=text name="Title" size="28">

									<label>Date: </label>
									<input type="text" name="Date"  size="28" value="<?php
$today = date("F j, Y");
PRINT "$today";
?>" /><br />
<select name="Genre">

$query = "SELECT * FROM genre";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error());
// if records present
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
// iterate through resultset
// print article titles
while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))
<option value="<? echo $row->Genre; ?>"><? echo $row->Genre; ?>

// if no records present
// display message

// close database connection
?></select><a style="font-weight:bold;" href="gpop.php" onClick="return popup(this, 'Events')" title="Opens in pop up">Add Type</a>

							<textarea name="Article" cols="46" rows="15"></textarea>

<input type="Submit" name="submit" value="Add">






   // includes



    // set up error list array

    $errorList = array();

    $count = 0;


    // validate text input fields
// validate text input fields
    $cTitle = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Title']);
    $cGenre = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Genre']);
    $cDate = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Date']);
    $fArticle = str_replace("\n","<br/>",$_POST['Article']);
    $cAuthor = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Author']);
    $cloginid  = mysql_escape_string($_POST['loginid']);

$formArticle = mysql_escape_string($fArticle);

$Title = htmlentities($cTitle,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Genre = htmlentities($cGenre,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Date = htmlentities($cDate,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Article = htmlentities($formArticle,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$Author = htmlentities($cAuthor,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");
$loginid = htmlentities($cloginid,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");


    // check for errors

    // if none found...

    if (sizeof($errorList) == 0)


        // open database connection

        $connection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die ("Unable to connect!");

        // select database

        mysql_select_db($db) or die ("Unable to select database!");

        // generate and execute query

        $query = "INSERT INTO story (Title, Genre, Article, Date, Author, loginid) VALUES('$Title','$Genre','$Article','$Date','$Author','$loginid')";

        $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. " . mysql_error());

        // print result

        echo "<p>Update successful.<a href=index.php>Go Home</a>.<br />
<a href=addstory.php>Add Another</p>";

        // close database connection





        // errors found

        // print as list

        echo "<font size=-1>The following errors were encountered: <br>";

        echo "<ul>";

        for ($x=0; $x<sizeof($errorList); $x++)


            echo "<li>$errorList[$x]";


        echo "</ul></font>";




<!-- End Center Main Conent -->		
		<div class="clear"></div>	
<!-- footer -->
		<div class="footer">
				<?php include("../template/footer.html"); ?>
<!--end footer --> 


the only code thats different is


    $cTitle = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Title']);

    $cGenre = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Genre']);

    $cDate = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Date']);

    $fArticle = str_replace("\n","<br/>",$_POST['Article']);

    $cAuthor = mysql_escape_string($_POST['Author']);

    $cloginid  = mysql_escape_string($_POST['loginid']);


$formArticle = mysql_escape_string($fArticle);


$Title = htmlentities($cTitle,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");

$Genre = htmlentities($cGenre,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");

$Date = htmlentities($cDate,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");

$Article = htmlentities($formArticle,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");

$Author = htmlentities($cAuthor,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");

$loginid = htmlentities($cloginid,ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8");

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is what was submiting each new line inserts <br />

Hi There! <IMG SRC="graphics/idocs.gif" HEIGHT=33 WIDTH=82 ALT="Idocs Guide to HTML">

Hi There! <IMG SRC="graphics/idocs.gif" HEIGHT=33 WIDTH=82 ALT="Idocs Guide to HTML">

Hi There! <IMG SRC="graphics/idocs.gif" HEIGHT=33 WIDTH=82 ALT="Idocs Guide to HTML">


Database shows this

<br/>Hi There! <IMG SRC=\"graphics/idocs.gif\" HEIGHT=33 WIDTH=82 ALT=\"Idocs Guide to HTML\">
<br/>Hi There! <IMG SRC=\"graphics/idocs.gif\" HEIGHT=33 WIDTH=82 ALT=\"Idocs Guide to HTML\">

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