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simple database search


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Is it very difficult to search for a specific term in a database table then output only what matches the content? 


Lets say I have a description and want only the descriptions that have the word linguist in the descritption to popup up on the page how would I go about that...any ideas...


I already have the db all done as well as the script to connect to the database and display all relevant information on my pages. 


I would like to have just the pages matching specific keywords to popup.  I have an rss feed now that will display the last 25 things posted but would like to generat more specific rss feeds by having only the ones I have searching the db with specific keywords to popup.


All info is greatly appreciated.  Thank you.

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OK this is what I have for a basic output of the info for an example.  This works and displays all my info from the mysql tables without a search.

$username = "username";
$password = "password";
$hostname = "my local host"; 

//connection to the database
$dbhandle = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) 
  or die("Unable to connect to MySQL");
echo "Connected to MySQL<br>";

//select a database to work with
$selected = mysql_select_db("mydb",$dbhandle) 
  or die("Could not select mydb");

$query  = "SELECT id, job_title, short_description FROM `jb_jobs` WHERE status = \"active\" ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 100";

$result = mysql_query($query);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
    echo "ID :{$row['id']} <br>" .
         "Title : {$row['job_title']} <br>" . 
         "Description : {$row['short_description']} <br><br>";

//close the connection


This is what I have tried with many variations implementing the LIKE '%linguist%' into the query SELECT statement, but I cannot seem to get it to work.  I know this has to be easier then this!!  I am losing my mind any info would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you!!!


$username = "username";
$password = "password";
$hostname = "my local host"; 

//connection to the database
$dbhandle = mysql_connect($hostname, $username, $password) 
  or die("Unable to connect to MySQL");
echo "Connected to MySQL<br>";

//select a database to work with
$selected = mysql_select_db("mydb",$dbhandle) 
  or die("Could not select mydb");

$query  = "SELECT id, job_title, short_description LIKE '%linguist%' FROM `jb_jobs` WHERE status = \"active\" ORDER BY time DESC LIMIT 100";

$result = mysql_query($query);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
    echo "ID :{$row['id']} <br>" .
         "Title : {$row['job_title']} <br>" . 
         "Description : {$row['short_description']} <br><br>";

//close the connection


I guess my question now would be where the heck does the LIKE '%%' part go at in a mysql search and is it possible to make it work the way I have it now???

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See what happens when you accidentaly hit enter before you are finished with the post!!!  Anyways  one final question.  With the * in the statement is that simply just allowing the loading of all the columns in the database???  Instead of typing each one out individually???

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