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[SOLVED] IS there away?


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Im working on my first php script from scratch and enjoying it :D lol


But i was wondering if there was away to output information into a table, but the problem is the information i want to out put is a copy and paste from a game report so its like this:



No hit

Strike: Left shoulder

- 12 HP

No hit

No hit

No hit

Strike: Head

- 9 HP

No hit


So when it out puts i would like it to be in two different colums, so like it would be:


No hit | Strike: Left shoulder - 12hp

No hit | No Hit

No Hit | Strike: Head - 9hp



and so on. SO realy it should be every two lines of the inputted text is a row unless it starts with a - then its on the same line as before.


I hope i havent confused you, i probs have acutaly  :P So yeh is there a way to do this sort of thing?





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heres the script so far:




people copy and paste their game reports into the text box then click 'submit' which changes the report into BBcode, i have done all that part fine. But i just need it to output into a table so it looks better when posted into a forum if you get me lol





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Well this should work if the values are in an array...


added comments so you can (hopefully) tell what's going on.

$values = array(
'No hit',
'Strike: Left shoulder',
'- 12 HP',
'No hit',
'No hit',
'Strike: Head',
'- 9 HP',
'No hit',
'No hit',
'No hit'

echo '<table><td>'; // Start a table

$size = count($values);
$valBreak = '</td><td>'; // Set the value that will be put between the values
for($i = 0; $i < $size; ++$i) {
echo $values[$i];

// See if the next value starts with '-' and output it if it is
if(isset($values[$i+1]) && $values[$i+1][0] == '-') {
	echo ' ' . $values[$i+1];
	++$i; // Move the pointer up one since we've outputted 2 values this loop

// Output the between-item value if it isn't the last loop of the array
if(isset($values[$i+1])) {
	echo $valBreak;

// Swap the between-item value
$valBreak = ($valBreak == '</td><td>') ? '</td></tr><tr><td>' : '</td><td>';

echo '</td></tr></table>'; // End the table

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ok ive added your code, but im getting this error:

atal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /public_html/westconverter/index.php on line 62


heres my script code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
$Player1 = $_POST["Player1"];
$Player2 = $_POST["Player2"];
$results = $_POST['results'];
$test = preg_replace('/\d{1,3} HP/', '[size=4][color=Red][b]$0[/b][/color][/size]', $results);
$words = array('Strike: Left arm', 'Strike: Right arm', 'Strike: Head', 'Strike: Left shoulder', 'Strike: Right shoulder', 'No hit');
$bbcode = array('[b][color=Red]Strike: Left arm[/color][/b]', '[b][color=Red]Strike: Right Arm[/color][/b]', '[b][color=Red]Strike: Head[/color][/b]', '[b][color=Red]Strike: Left Shoulder[/color][/b]', '[b][color=Red]Strike: Right Shoulder[/color][/b]', '[color=Green][b]No Hit[/b][/color]');
$bbword = str_replace($words, $bbcode, $test);

if (!isset($_POST['Submit'])) {
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>Duel Report Converter</title>
<form method="POST"  action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>">
<input type="text" name="Player1" />
<input type="text" name="Player2" />
  <textarea name="results" cols="100" rows="10"></textarea>
  <input type="Submit" name="Submit" value="Submit" />


} else { 

echo "[b]Duel:[/b]<br /><br /> ".$Player1."[b] vs [/b]".$Player2."<br /><br />";
echo "[b]Results:[/b]<br /><br />";

echo '<table><td>'; // Start a table

$size = count($bbword);
$valBreak = '</td><td>'; // Set the value that will be put between the values
for($i = 0; $i < $size; ++$i) {
echo $bbword[$i];

// See if the next value starts with '-' and output it if it is
if(isset($bbword[$i+1]) && $bbword[$i+1][0] == '-') {
	echo ' ' . $bbword[$i+1];
	++$i; // Move the pointer up one since we've outputted 2 values this loop

// Output the between-item value if it isn't the last loop of the array
if(isset($bbword[$i+1])) {
	echo $valBreak;

// Swap the between-item value every other loop
$valBreak = ($valBreak == '</td><td>') ? '</td></tr><tr><td>' : '</td><td>';

echo '</td></tr></table>'; // End the table

<p>  </p>




See if you can make sense of it for me lol


Thanks so much,



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