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Some dreamweaver help please!


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Hello, i got a question. First of all i'm using wamp server 2.0 on windows xp sp2 platform and dreamweaver 8.0 edition. I have a database on the wamp server on mysql and i've made a connection through dreamweaver which works fine. Now the thing is i wanna make a display page that has a dropdown list where you can choose a movie category (the database is for a videoclub) and once you choose it from the dropdown list you get the responding table with the movies.


My problem is that i don't know how to set the query on the table that will be showing the movies to match the value of the dropdown list. More specifically i need to know what to set on the WHERE. It should look like Movies.category = dropdownlist.value or something similar, but i dont know what exactly and i haven't been able to find anything for it on the internet.


Please help if you can and thanks in advance!


P.S. Here's the query i'm using if it helps


SELECT movies.Movie_Name, movies.Release_Date, movies.Movie_Medium, movies.Rental_Time, categories.Category_Name

FROM movies, categories

WHERE movies.Movie_Category = '?'


the '?' is the thing i'm missing  :P

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If i'm not mistaken this is what you asked for

<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">
  <select name="CategMen" size="1" id="CategMen">
    <option value=""></option><?php
do {  
    <option value="<?php echo $row_Categories['Category_ID']?>"><?php echo $row_Categories['Category_Name']?></option>
} while ($row_Categories = mysql_fetch_assoc($Categories));
  $rows = mysql_num_rows($Categories);
  if($rows > 0) {
      mysql_data_seek($Categories, 0);
  $row_Categories = mysql_fetch_assoc($Categories);

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Movies is the main table, which has a movie id as primary key, and also has a category field which contains the category id. The category field is foreign key to the movies table, mapping to a table called categories, which has an id. I hope this made sense.

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$movie_cat = isset($_POST['CategMen']) ? $_POST['CategMen'] : "";


SELECT movies.Movie_Name, movies.Release_Date, movies.Movie_Medium, movies.Rental_Time, categories.Category_Name

FROM movies, categories

WHERE movies.Movie_Category = '$movie_cat'


Does this work?  And I'm not sure what you mean by "i tried putting a variable to the query window, which had as runtime value $_POST['CategMen'] but it still doesn't work as its supposed to"


What query window?  Is that a dreamweaver thing?

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Yes the variable thingy is a dream weaver feature. I think this should work, or at least it sounds correct to me, but i just realized that my menu doesn't have auto post back enabled. I'm not really sure how that is called, thats how it was called on asp, the option that makes it refresh the page whenever another value was selected. If you can help me with that too i would be grateful!

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