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[SOLVED] Deleting Rows


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I am trying to delete about 10K rows.


The script works without the form.


With the from I get the error:


Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Unable to save result set in ... on line 20


Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in ... on line 24




if (isset($_POST['deleterows'])){

include ("../connect.php");


echo $GetId;

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM URLS WHERE id<='$GetId'"); //<<<< LINE 20

if (!result){die(mysql_error());}

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))  //<<<< LINE 24
  mysql_query("DELETE FROM URLS WHERE id<='$delete' ");  

} // END IF



<form action='' method='post'>
<font face=arial>Delete All Rows And Lower Starting With:</font><br>
<input type=text name='rowsNum' size='40' autocomplete=off> <input type=submit name='deleterows' value='Delete'>




I can't seem to find the problem.


Any help today?

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I get the same error without the single quotes and using:


$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM URLS WHERE id<='".$GetId."' ");

if (!result){die(mysql_error());}

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
  mysql_query("DELETE FROM URLS WHERE id<='".$delete."' ");  

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You don't need any SELECT statement of loop.


if (isset($_POST['deleterows'])) {

  include ("../connect.php");

  $GetId = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['rowsNum']);
  if (mysql_query("DELETE FROM URLS WHERE id <= $GetId")) {
    echo mysql_affected_rows() . " deleted\n";
  } else {
    echo "Query failed " . mysql_error(); 
} else {


<form action='' method='post'>
<font face=arial>Delete All Rows And Lower Starting With:</font><br>
<input type=text name='rowsNum' size='40' autocomplete=off> <input type=submit name='deleterows' value='Delete'>




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Not really sure why you are selecting them all before you delete them, since you use the same number in both cases, why not just delete them?



$sql = "DELETE FROM URLS WHERE id<=$GetId";


echo $sql; //verify $GetId is populated


$result = mysql_query ($sql) or die ("Error in $sql" .mysql_error());



*Same idea as above




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