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[SOLVED] Fatal error: Call to a member function db_Select() on a non-object


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Hi, I designed a roster for my clan at www.GoSoldiers.net and I am having trouble getting it to display every member beside each rank. I based the roster design on the same as a medals system i desgined and it works quite well exect displaying all the members. It only displays 1 member instead of every member with that rank. I found my problem in the database select coding and its having trouble reading from 3 databases but works fine on 2. Here is a copy of my coding -



#     Skilled Soldiers Ranks           #
#     by Reid Baughman               #
#     http://www.GoSoldiers.net   #

//-----------------------------------#Main Page Config#------------------------------------------------------


$lan_file = e_PLUGIN."Medalsystem/language/".e_LANGUAGE.".php";
require_once(file_exists($lan_file) ? $lan_file :  e_PLUGIN."Medalsystem/language/English.php");

//-------------------------#     Ranks     #--------------------------------------------------------

$title .="Skilled Soldiers Ranks & Insignia</tr>"; 

        $sql ->db_Select("ranks", "*", "ORDER BY rank_id","");
        while($row = $sql ->db_Fetch()){

$text .= "
        <div style='text-align:center'>
        <table style='width:100%' class='border' cellspacing='10' cellpadding='10'>
        <td style='width:15%' class='forumheader3'>
        <center><a href='Ranks2.php?.".$row['rank_id']."'><font color='#00FF00'>".$row['rank_name']."</font></a>
        <a href='Ranks2.php?.".$row['rank_id']."'><img src='http://www.gosoldiers.net/SSAAHome/e107_plugins/Ranks/insignia/".$row['rank_pic']."' alt = 'Skilled Soldiers Rank'></img></a></center>
        <td style='width:50%' class='forumheader3'>
        <center><a href='Ranks2.php?.".$row['rank_id']."'><font color='#FF0000'>".$row['rank_txt']."</font></a></center>

        $sql2 ->db_Select("ranks_awarded", "*", "WHERE awarded_rank_id= '".$row['rank_id']."' ORDER BY awarded_id DESC","");
        while($row = $sql2 ->db_Fetch()){

        $sql2 ->db_Select("user", "*", "WHERE user_id = '".$row['awarded_user_id']."'","");
        $row2 = $sql2 ->db_Fetch();
$text .= "
        <td style='width:100%' class='forumheader3'>
        <center><a href='".e_BASE."user.php?id.".$row['awarded_user_id']."&page=info'><font color='#00FF00'>".$row2['user_name']."</font></a>

$text .= "

$ns -> tablerender($title, $text);



my problem is when it reads $sql2 ->db_Select("user", "*", "WHERE user_id = '".$row['awarded_user_id']."'",""); it reads it db above it cause its also list as $sql2 but if i make it $sql3 it errors out with Fatal error: Call to a member function db_Select() on a non-object . can anyone tell help me figure out how to make it read from 3 databases and not error?

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Took me a while to get it right but ithis is wut i did to make it work -



        $sql3 = new db;

        $sql3 ->db_Select("ranks_awarded", "*", "WHERE awarded_rank_id= '".$row4['rank_id']."' ORDER BY awarded_id DESC","");

        while($row = $sql3 ->db_Fetch()){

        $sql2 ->db_Select("user", "*", "WHERE user_id = '".$row['awarded_user_id']."'","");

        $row2 = $sql2 ->db_Fetch();




all i had to do is add $sql3 = new db; before it and then change the sql to 3 and it displayed fine. So here it is for anyone that has the same problem or similar!

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