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[SOLVED] PHP Paging (like that at the bottom of the php help page)

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Good Morning,


I have been looking for examples of how to display paging like that at the bottom of the php help page.


Where it shows a number of results then "....." then the last page


and when you move on it shows "1...11,12,13,14...285"


could anyone point me to a good tutorial?


i am pulling the results from MySQL


Thanks in advance

That's great!


however it will show all pages,


for the purpose of the site i'm creating that will be fine, as there is not that many results.


but how would you display it as it is at thee bottom of the php help page (for example)...



i use this formula for my users page :)


$prev_page = $users - 1;

							echo "<tr><td colspan='3'>";

									if($prev_page >= 1){
										echo "<b><< <a href=users.php?users=$prev_page>Prev.</a></b>"; //if you are on page 2 or more display a previous  link
								if($totalpages <= 3){
									//this is the pagination link										 
									for($i = 1; $i <= $totalpages; $i++){ 
										echo "<a href='users.php?users=$i'> $i </a>| ";//if there are less than 3 pages just show 1|2|3

									$twobefore = $users-2;
									$onebefore = $users-1;
									$oneafter = $users+1;
									$twoafter = $users+2;
									//i prefer using a nested version as i understand it easuier you could just as easily use an elseif formula
									if($twobefore >= 1){
										echo "<a href=users.php?users=1> 1 </a>";
										echo "<a href=users.php?users=$twobefore> $twobefore </a>";//if you are on page 3 or more show a link to the previous 2 pages
										if($onebefore >= 1){
											echo "<a href=users.php?users=$onebefore> $onebefore </a>";//if you are on page 2 or more show a link to the previous page
											echo "<a href=users.php?users=$user> $user </a>"; // show the link for the page you are currently on 
											if($oneafter <= $totalpages){
												echo "<a href=users.php?users=$oneafter> $oneafter </a>";// if you are more than 1 page off max pages show link to next page
												if($twoafter <= $totalpages){
													echo "<a href=users.php?users=$twoafter> $twoafter </a>";// if you are more than 2 page off max pages show link to the next 2 pages
													if($twoafter < totalpages){
														echo "...<a href=users.php?users=$totalpages> $totalpages </a>";//show a link to the last page

									$next_page = $users + 1;
									if($next_page <= $totalpages) {
									   echo"<a href=users.php?users=$next_page><b>Next</b></a> <b>>></b>";//next link										   

You aren't really going to find a tutorial that explains how to make the navbar exactly as you want it, as that's a matter of style more than anything, and not really related to pagination principles, anymore than say, making the columns sortable.  It all comes down to a loop from 1 to total rows, and throwing in conditions to make it display how you want it to display.


Basic Pagination


It makes the pagination bar look like this:


<< < 5 6 7 [8] 9 10 11 > >>


the < > are prev/next and the << >> are first/last.  All you really have to change is having it echo  "...." and 1/$numrows instead of arrows.

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