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[SOLVED] Counting uniques .. not as simple as count(distict) ..


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Hey guys, running into a problem again that i cant find an elegant solution to.


Lets say I have this dataset:


Name    Bday
John     Oct
Mary     March
Jess      April
Mark     Oct
Ben      Oct
Dan      April


If i just did a


select count(distinct bday) from `db`


I would get 3 which is how many unique bday months there are.


What I need to get is a count of each bday month.




Oct      3

April    2

March  1


Any suggestions? Thanks!

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i cant say this is the most efficent way or elegant way

http://lawrenceguide.org/links/index.php kinda in action here theres only one list type but it works i swear

// includes
// open database connection
$connection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die ("Unable to connect!");
// select database
mysql_select_db($db) or die ("Unable to select database!");
$genres = array();

$q = "SELECT Type FROM links";
$r = mysql_query($q);
$Types = array();
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_row($r) ):

$add = $row[0];

if ( !in_array($add, $Types) ):

$Types[] = $add;



$n = count($Types);

for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++):

$Type = $Types[$i];

$query  = "SELECT id FROM links WHERE Type='$Type' ORDER BY id DESC";
$result = mysql_query($query);

$num    = mysql_num_rows($result);

echo '<tr><td><a href="links.php?Type=' . $Type . '">' . $Type . '</a> (<em class="number"> ' . $num . ' </em>)</td></tr>';



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Yeah, this is somewhat of a `training exercise` for me .. since the system I built only had 3 static codes that I had to count, I just hacked it with 3 select count() statements .. since I read that count() works faster than doing selects, then counting num rows.


I guess I am looking for some elegant solution that would in a single query return to me ..


Oct -> 3

April -> 2

March -> 1


or something to that effect.

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actually .. its still not working ..  sorry to jump to conclusion after improper testing ..


the query i made was




it seems that would return ..




so a list of distinct bday .. half way there .. now if we can only get a count of how many time each occurs in the db .. we're golden .. lol


thanks for the effort though faith .. much appreciated.

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