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Okay I have one page with a form that selects a table to open for editing.
Then i try to open that table and display the values. The display function is held in a library.
(PHP 5.1.4,MySQL 5.0.22 )
(mysqlfreaks.com is broken im sorry)

Whenever i try to open the table using the variables i get:
[b]Warning: mysql_fetch_field(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in C:\wamp\www\Lib.php on line 100[/b]
but if i just type in a table name instead of using the variable it works fine.
i think it might have to do with how i use the variable either .. the way i name it in the form (just below)
or the way i use it in my query (bottom)

I included most of the code but bolded what i think is important

[b]here is the form that grabs the table:[/b]
<form action = "editTable.php"
method = "post">

<table border = 1>
<td colspan = 2><center>
<h2>Edit table data</h2>

<td colspan = 2><center>
[b] <select name = "tableName" size = 5>
<option value = "news">News</option>
<option value = "publications">Publications</option>
<option value = "author">Author</option>
<option value = "date">Date</option>
<option value = "picture">Picture</option>
<option value = "topic">Topic</option>

<td colspan = 2><center>
<input type = "submit"
value = "edit table">



[b]Here is me calling my library function[/b]
include "Lib.php";

//check password

if ($pwd == $adminPassword){
$dbConn = connect();
[b]print Edit("$tableName");[/b]
} else {
print "<h3>You must have administrative access to proceed</h3>\n";
} // end if


Here is the function[/b]
function Edit($tableName){
//given a table name, generates HTML table including
//add, delete and edit buttons

global $dbConn;
$output = "";
[b]$query = "SELECT * FROM {$tableName}";[/b]

[b]$result = mysql_query($query, $dbConn);[/b]

$output .= "<table border = 1>\n";
//get column headings

//get field names
$output .= "<tr>\n";
[b]while ($field = mysql_fetch_field($result)){[/b]
$output .= " <th>$field->name</th>\n";
} // end while

//get name of index field (presuming it's first field)
$keyField = mysql_fetch_field($result, 0);
$keyName = $keyField->name;

//add empty columns for add, edit, and delete
$output .= "<th></th><th></th>\n";
$output .= "</tr>\n\n";

//get row data as an associative array
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
$output .= "<tr>\n";
//look at each field
foreach ($row as $col=>$val){
$output .= " <td>$val</td>\n";
} // end foreach
//build little forms for add, delete and edit

//delete = DELETE FROM <table> WHERE <key> = <keyval>
$keyVal = $row["$keyName"];
$output .= <<< HERE

<form action = "deleteRecord.php">
<input type = "hidden"
name = "tableName"
value = "$tableName">
<input type= "hidden"
name = "keyName"
value = "$keyName">
<input type = "hidden"
name = "keyVal"
value = "$keyVal">
<input type = "submit"
value = "delete"></form>

//update: won't update yet, but set up edit form
$output .= <<< HERE
<form action = "editRecord.php"
method = "post">
<input type = "hidden"
name = "tableName"
value = "$tableName">
<input type= "hidden"
name = "keyName"
value = "$keyName">
<input type = "hidden"
name = "keyVal"
value = "$keyVal">
<input type = "submit"
value = "edit"></form>


$output .= "</tr>\n\n";

}// end while

//add = INSERT INTO <table> {values}
//set up insert form send table name
$keyVal = $row["$keyName"];
$output .= <<< HERE

<td colspan = "5">
<form action = "addRecord.php">
<input type = "hidden"
name = "tableName"
value = "$tableName">
<input type = "submit"
value = "add a record"></form>


$output .= "</table>\n";
return $output;
} // end Edit
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