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How to apply a patch to apache 2.2.3


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Do you mean patches to Apache? To upgrade Apache just download a new release when its available. Upon installation the installer should give you the option to upgrade.


Alternatively just backup your conf/ and/or htdocs/ folder(s) and uninstall Apache completely and then install your newer version. Once installed overwrite the new conf/ and/or htdocs/ folder(s) with your previous one(s).

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Thanks for your reply.


We have Apache 2.2.3 running on windows platform.



Being new to Apache, would like to know the prerequesites/steps that

need to be followed before upgrading to new version(2.2.10).Can i

directly go for 2.2.10 or start from 2.2.4 n so on ...


I have another query, can I apply patches to current version or directly opt for upgrade, whats the procedure of doing either of it


Waiting for your reply,




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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh wow....  Apparently the Apache org doesn't offer zipped archives of Windows binaries any more.  It's either an installer or source files.


How I would do it:


-Download http://www.axint.net/apache/httpd/binaries/win32/apache_2.2.10-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8i.msi

-Copy your httpd.conf somewhere outside of the folder in which Apache is currently installed.

-Install the new download over the old Apache copy.

-Over write the new httpd.conf with your old one.


Then you should be good to go.

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