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PHP Mail shot help


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Hi when i send off a mail shot, it comes up as it was sent by @ip-68-178-248-83.ip.secureserver.net, i want it to just come up as my domain.


here is the code

		$subj		=	"Invitation From Lock Down City";
		$emess		=	"Hi There $v,
You Have Been Invited To Visit http://www.lock-down-city.com, 
One Of The Newest and greatest online games, But Needs Players Online So It Can Go Bigger. This Will Most Probably Be The Best Browser Based Gangster RPG You Ever Set Your Eyes on.

Just Visit The Tite & View The List Of Features, If Your Not Satisfied Then Post A Support Ticket To Have Your Account Deleted. Its That Simple! You Never Know You Might End Up Loving It.";
		mail("$v","$subj","$emess","From: Lock-Down-City");

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Try this code:



mail("$v","$subj","$emess","from: noreply@".str_replace('www.','',$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']), "-fnoreply@".str_replace('www.','',$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']));



If your site is foo.com then it will appear from: noreply@foo.com

As I remember the -f specifies "return path" that is related to your issue.


I hope this helps.

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