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Code doesn't list array in order


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I'm trying to make the names called in the following field display alphabetically, I've tried a number of things and nothing as worked correctly so I'm hoping someone here can help me out.


Thanks for any and all help ;)

if ($featuring && $charid) {
<tr><td align="right" width="100"><p><font color="#A5B9D5"><b>Who:</b></font></p></td><td width="10"></td>
<td><p><font color="#A5B9D5"><?php

list (($featuring, $charList) ORDER BY name) = linkCharsAdvanced($featuring, $id);

echo $featuring; ?></font></p></td>



This produces the following error message: Parse error: parse error, unexpected '}' in /home/content/z/a/n/zanland/html/xpg/messages/display.php on line 102

#102 list (($featuring, $charList) ORDER BY name) = linkCharsAdvanced($featuring, $id);


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if ($featuring && $charid) {
<tr><td align="right" width="100"><p><font color="#A5B9D5"><b>Who:</b></font></p></td><td width="10"></td>
<td><p><font color="#A5B9D5"><?php

list (($featuring, $charList) ORDER BY name) = linkCharsAdvanced($featuring, $id);

echo $featuring; ?></font></p></td>



This produces the following error message: Parse error: parse error, unexpected '}' in /home/content/z/a/n/zanland/html/xpg/messages/display.php on line 102

#102 list (($featuring, $charList) ORDER BY name) = linkCharsAdvanced($featuring, $id);



if ($featuring && $charid) {


i assume you are trying to see if those variables exist. You use the isset function for that


if (isset($featuring && $charid))



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In this code

if ($featuring && $charid) {
<tr><td align="right" width="100"><p><font color="#A5B9D5"><b>Who:</b></font></p></td><td width="10"></td>
<td><p><font color="#A5B9D5"><?php

list (($featuring, $charList) ORDER BY name) = linkCharsAdvanced($featuring, $id);

echo $featuring; ?></font></p></td>


Your doing ORDER BY sql code which is only used when connecting to a database and using a table in a database. Are you trying to output those variables alphabetically a-z?

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Hello - Yes I'm trying to output (Print/Echo) the names which is stored in the sql database alphabetically (A-Z). The names which populate the textfield are stored in the 'board' database and I just realized are in the field named 'featuring' not 'codename' (codename is used in a different database and that is my bad for having suggested otherwise when asking for help).


So i've tried the following but i'm still not getting the effect i want:


if ($featuring && $charid) 'ORDER BY featuring'; {
<tr><td align="right" width="100"><p><font color="#A5B9D5"><b>Who:</b></font></p></td><td width="10"></td>
<td><p><font color="#A5B9D5"><?php

list ($featuring, $charList) = linkCharsAdvanced($featuring, $id) ;

echo $featuring; 


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HI Flames -- If you missed the part earlier where I said 'i dont' know what i'm doing' , let me reiterate that I don't know what I'm doing. I just guess a lot and poke and prod until i'm able to get my code to do what I'm trying to get it to do. (I'm dyslexic so a lot of stuff confuses me -- and i'm not a coder - complete ameteur).


The 'ORDER BY featuring' is where it is as thats the last place i tried sticking it to see where it might go to achieve the effect i want. I tried puting it in several places.


If someone can help me to figure out where it should go that would be great - or if thats even the way to do it.



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Will do,

  Although to those who respond please note that I was asked to post the full code, please do not flame me for doing so (Thank you)


include ("../functions.php");

approvevars(array("id", "hideHeaders"));

if (!$id) { header ("location: /messages.php"); die; }

$sql = "SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(lastmodified,'%b %e @ %h:%i %p') AS modformat, TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(lastmodified) as modage, DATE_FORMAT(DATE_ADD(NOW(),INTERVAL -3 HOUR),'%Y%m%d%H%i%s') as currentTime, DATE_FORMAT(gamedate,'%b %e, %Y') AS gamedate FROM board WHERE id=$id"; 
$post = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); 

$currentTime = $post["currentTime"];
$thread = $post["thread"];
$locked = threadLocked($thread);

if (!$thread) { $thread = $id; }



$fields = array("subject","content","charid","storyteller","summary","previously","thread","delete","ooc","featuring","tags","timeofday","location","userid", "gamedate","continuedfrom", "modage", "lasteditor", "modformat");
$patterns = array ("/\"/","/[\r\f\n]+/","/ *\.\.\.+ */","/<p><hr><\/p>/","/<hr>/");
$replace = array (""","</p>\n<p>", "… ","<hr color='#050F1D' size='5' width='300' align='center'>","</p>\n<hr color='#050F1D' size='5' width='300' align='center'>\n<p>");

FOREACH ($fields as $thisField) {
if (isset($post[$thisField])) {
${$thisField} = $post[$thisField];
${$thisField} = preg_replace($patterns,$replace,${$thisField});
} else { ${$thisField} = ""; }
} // end foreach

// if it isn't the only post in a thread, lets find out where it falls

$sql = "SELECT id FROM board WHERE thread=$thread AND approved <> '' AND approved IS NOT NULL  ORDER BY dateadded";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$total = mysql_num_rows($result);
WHILE ($tempy = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
// If we've officially set "thisPost", set the Next post (but only if it's not already set)
if ($thisPost && !$nextPost) { $nextPost = $tempy["id"]; }
if ($id==$tempy["id"]) { $thisPost = $i; $prevPost = $j; }
// set the id to J so it can be saved next time.
$j = $tempy["id"];
} // end thread check

echo "<!-- Hide headers? $hideheaders -->\n";

$pageTitle = "Messages » " . getThreadName($thread) . " ($thisPost of $total)";
include ("../header.php");

?><table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0">

<tr><td colspan="3"><h1><?php

if ($charid || $storyteller) { $fontcolor="#A5B9D5"; } else { $fontcolor = "#00CC99"; }

echo "<font color='$fontcolor'>" . getThreadName($thread); ?></font></h1>
<p class="fineprint"><b><?php

if (!$thisPost) { echo "<font color='red'>Message not approved.</font> "; }
else { echo "Message $thisPost of $total. "; }

echo "<font color='#666666'>[#$id]</font> ";

echo "<a href=\"/messages/thread.php?thread=$thread";
if ($hideHeaders) { echo "&hideHeaders=$hideHeaders"; }
echo "\" title=\"View entire thread\">[View entire thread…]</a><br>\n";

if ($prevPost) { echo "<a href=\"/messages/display.php?id=$prevPost";
if ($hideHeaders) { echo "&hideHeaders=$hideHeaders"; }
echo "\" title='Go to previous message in this thread'><img src=\"/images/back.gif\" height=\"13\" width=\"20\" border=\"0\"></a>"; }
if ($nextPost) { echo "<a href=\"/messages/display.php?id=$nextPost";
if ($hideHeaders) { echo "&hideHeaders=$hideHeaders"; }
echo "\" title='Read the next message in the thread'><img src=\"/images/forward.gif\" height=\"13\" width=\"20\" border=\"0\"></a>"; }

if ($moderator || (($login == $userid) && $userid)) { echo "<a href=\"/messages/post.php?id=$id\" title='Make changes to this message'><img src=\"/images/edit.gif\" height=\"13\" width=\"37\" border=\"0\">";

if ($moderator && $lasteditor && $dateadded != $lastmodified && $modage < 15) { echo " <span class='fineprint' style='color:#666666'>[Last edit: " . getName($lasteditor) . ", $modformat]</span>"; }

echo "</a>"; }

<hr color="#050F1D" size="5"></td></tr>

<tr><td align="right" width="100"><p><b><font color="<?php echo $fontcolor; ?>">Subject:</b></font></p></td><td width="10"></td>
<td><p><font color="<?php echo $fontcolor; ?>"><?php
if (!$charid && !$storyteller) { echo "[OOC] "; }
echo $subject; ?></font></p></td>
if ($featuring && $charid) 'ORDER BY featuring'; {
<tr><td align="right" width="100"><p><font color="#A5B9D5"><b>Who:</b></font></p></td><td width="10"></td>
<td><p><font color="#A5B9D5"><?php

list ($featuring, $charList) = linkCharsAdvanced($featuring, $id) ;

echo $featuring; 

} // end if featuring

if ($location && $charid) {
?><tr><td align="right" width="100"><p><font color="#A5B9D5"><b>Where:</b></font></p></td><td width="10"></td>
<td><p><font color="#A5B9D5"><?php echo stripslashes($location); ?></font></p></td>
} // end if location

if (($timeofday || $gamedate) && $charid) {

$tempy = array();
if ($timeofday && $gamedate) { array_push($tempy,$timeofday); array_push($tempy,$gamedate); }
else if ($timeofday) { array_push($tempy,$timeofday); }
else if ($gamedate) { array_push($tempy,$gamedate); }

$dateandtime = implode(", ", $tempy);

?><tr><td align="right" width="100"><p><font color="#A5B9D5"><b>When:</b></font></p></td><td width="10"></td>
<td><p><font color="#A5B9D5"><?php echo $dateandtime; ?></font></p></td>
} // end if timeofday

if ($previously) {
?><tr><td align="right" valign="top" width="100"><p><font color="<?php echo $fontcolor; ?>"><b>Previously:</b></font></p></td><td width="10"></td>
<td><p><font color="<?php echo $fontcolor; ?>"><?php echo stripslashes($previously); ?></font></p></td>

} // end if previously

if ($continuedfrom) {
?><tr><td align="right" valign="top" width="100"><p><font color="#A5B9D5"><b>Continued from...</b></font></p></td><td width="10"></td>
<td><p><a href='/messages/display.php?id=<?php echo $continuedfrom;
if ($hideHeaders) { echo "&hideHeaders=$hideHeaders"; }
?>' title='Read this message'><?php echo getSubject($continuedfrom); ?></a></font></p></td>

} // end if continued from

<tr><td colspan="3"><hr color="#050F1D" size="5"></td></tr>

<tr><td colspan="3"><p><?php

$characterName = getChar($charid);
if ($characterName == "Storyteller" && $charid) { $storyteller = "Storyteller"; }

if ($storyteller) { $charid=""; }

if ($charid || $storyteller) {

$content = preg_replace("/\[([Tt]ag[^\]\[]+)\]/","<font color='#A5B9D5'>[$1]</font>",$content);

$content = preg_replace("/\[([Tt]ag[^\]\[]+)\]/","<font color='#A5B9D5'>[$1]</font>",$content);

$content = hrefCheck($content);

if (!$pref["litegraphics"]) {
if ($storyteller) {
echo "<img src=\"/images/circle-x.jpg\" width=\"200\" border=\"0\" align=\"right\" hspace=\"10\"></a>"; 
} else {
echo "<a href='/cerebra/display.php?id=$charid' title='Get info on the character: $characterName'><img src=\"/cerebra/images/resizer.php?id=$charid&width=200\" width=\"200\" border=\"0\" align=\"right\" hspace=\"10\"></a>";
} // end if storyteller
} // end if LITE

if ($charid) {
echo "<a href='/cerebra/display.php?id=$charid' title='Get info on the character: $characterName'>$characterName</a>: ";
} else {
echo "<font color=\"$fontcolor\"><b>$storyteller</b>:</font> ";
} // end if charid/storyteller

echo stripslashes($content) . "</p>";

} else {
$thisPlayer = getName($userid);
$ooc = hrefCheck($ooc);
echo "<a href='/profile.php?id=$userid' title='Get info on the player: $thisPlayer'><font color=\"$fontcolor\">$thisPlayer</font></a>: " . stripslashes($ooc); ?></p><?php

} // end if OOC

$testy = mysql_query("SELECT id,subject from board WHERE continuedfrom = $id AND approved <> '' AND approved IS NOT NULL  ORDER BY dateadded DESC");

if ($nextPost) { echo "<p><a href=\"/messages/display.php?id=$nextPost";
if ($hideHeaders) { echo "&hideHeaders=$hideHeaders"; }
echo "\" title='Read the next message in the thread'>[Next message…]</a></p>"; }

if (mysql_num_rows($testy)) {

WHILE ($thisMsg = mysql_fetch_assoc($testy)) {

$msgLink = "<a href=\"/messages/display.php?id=" . $thisMsg["id"];
if ($hideHeaders) { $msgLink .= "&hideHeaders=$hideHeaders"; }
$msgLink .= "\" title='Read this "spin-off" message'>" . $thisMsg["subject"] . "</a>";

array_push($continuedin, $msgLink);
} // end WHILE

$continuedString = implode(", ", $continuedin);

echo "<p><font color=\"#A5B9D5\"><b>";
if ($nextPost) { echo "Also c"; } else { echo "C"; }
echo "ontinues in thread(s):</b></font> $continuedString</p>\n";

} // end if continuing elsewhere

if ((!$locked || $moderator) && !$hideHeaders) {

echo "<hr color=\"#050F1D\" size=\"5\">\n";

echo "<p>";

if (!$nextPost && !mysql_num_rows($testy)) {
echo "<a href='/messages/post.php?thread=$thread' title='Post to this thread'>[Add Post to this thread…]</a>";
$addPipe = "true";
} // end if allowed to add to the end

if ($addPipe) {  echo " | "; }
echo "<a href=\"/messages/post.php?continuedfrom=$id\" title='Post a new thread with this message as a starting point'>[spin-off a new thread…]</a>"; 

echo "</p>";

} // end if locked


<tr><td colspan="3"><hr color="#050F1D" size="5"></td></tr>

<?php if ($summary) { ?><tr><td align="right" valign="top"><p><font color="<?php echo $fontcolor; ?>"><b>Summary:</b></font></p></td><td width="10"></td>
<td><p><font color="<?php echo $fontcolor; ?>"><?php echo stripslashes($summary); ?></font></p></td>
<?php } // end if summary ?>

<?php if ($ooc && ($charid || $storyteller)) { 

?><tr><td align="right" valign="top"><p><font color="<?php echo $fontcolor; ?>"><b>OOC Notes:</b></font></p></td><td width="10"></td>
<td><p><font color="#A5B9D5"><?php

$ooc = hrefCheck($ooc);

echo stripslashes($ooc); ?></font></p></td>
<?php } // end if OOC ?>

<?php if ($tags) { ?><tr><td align="right" valign="top"><p><font color="<?php echo $fontcolor; ?>"><b>Tags:</b></font></p></td><td width="10"></td>
<td><p><font color="#A5B9D5"><?php
$tags = linkChars($tags);

echo stripslashes($tags); ?></font></p></td>
<?php } // end if tags

if ($storyteller && $characterName != "Storyteller") { ?><tr><td align="right" valign="top"><p><font color="<?php echo $fontcolor; ?>"><b>Storyteller:</b></font></p></td><td width="10"></td>
echo "<a href='/profile.php?id=$userid' title='Get info on player: " . getName($userid) . "'>" . getName($userid) . "</a>"; ?></p></td>
<?php } // end if OOC


if (count($charList)) {

FOREACH ($charList as $charid) { 
echo "<div id='cerebra_tooltip_$charid' style='display:none; padding: 5px; width:200px; background-color: black; border: solid 1px #415582;'>"; 
$tooltip_id = $charid;
echo "</div>\n\n";
} // end foreach


<script type="text/javascript">

FOREACH ($charList as $charid) { 
echo "var my_tooltip_$id = new Tooltip('cerebra_{$charid}_$id', 'cerebra_tooltip_$charid')\n";
} // end foreach



} // end if charList to show

include("../footer.php"); ?>

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Date added is called is for the post itself, the featuring is 'who' has posted in the thread so far. I want the display to list people in alphabetical manner. I don't know if this will help but here is an example of the php in action:


The first URL shows an individual post displaying:




The second URL shows all the collective posts in 'thread' view:




I've been working on this site for eight years (a friend who is great with PHP helped me get started and i just maintain it and try to make improvements when and where I can -- this one didn't seem to hard to so i'm trying to do it, but as is always the case, when i think 'that doesn't seem hard' if often turns into a weekend of frustration ;) Thanks for any help

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