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[SOLVED] php implode function


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I have a Mysql database in which I have a field which has more than one data entry which I have stored as



In the browser however I want to give a  link for each of the entries and show them separated by a space.I am trying to use the implode function but donot get the desired output.

I have tried implode('&nbsp',$pc) as well as implode('  ',$pc) , but I don't get the separation.This is my loop.:


<th BGCOLOR='#99CCFF' width='20' >Pubmed Id </th>";

foreach($pc as $t)
    $tmp[]='<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&list_uids='.$t.'">'.$t.'</a>';
    echo ''.implode("  ",$tmp) .'';
    //  $rety=implode(' ',$tmp);
    //  echo "$rety";


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Do it outside the loop, and also declare your $tmp array outside the loop, otherwise you'll just be overwriting it each time.


<th BGCOLOR='#99CCFF' width='20' >Pubmed Id </th>";


foreach($pc as $t)
    $tmp[]='<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&list_uids='.$t.'">'.$t.'</a>';
echo implode(" ", $tmp);

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I am not storing multiple pieces of information but different ids for the same entry in a field separated by a semi-colon(;).


I want to overwrite it every time,that's why I have put it in the loop,so that everytime it goes to the next row of the table it is overwritten.




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your problem is that $tmp is always an array that contains only 1 element, so imploding it around a " " does nothing - the single element becomes a string as is.


this does what i think you want:

$pm = "45GH6YT;HYT87686;9009JUYH";
<th BGCOLOR='#99CCFF' width='20' >Pubmed Id </th>";

foreach($pc as $t)
   // $tmp=array();
    $tmp='<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&list_uids='.$t.'">'.$t.'</a>';
echo $tmp." ";
    // implode(" ",$tmp);
    // $rety=implode('   ',$tmp);
    //  echo "$rety";

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What? How can it only contain one element.


$string = "45GH6YT;HYT87686;9009JUYH";

foreach($pc as $t)
    $tmp[]='<a href="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?cmd=Retrieve&db=pubmed&list_uids='.$t.'">'.$t.'</a>';
echo implode(" ", $tmp);


It will contain 3 elements, and that code will display the links separated by a space. I tested it.

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That makes no sense. Both of our codes produce the exact same output...


I want to overwrite it every time,that's why I have put it in the loop,so that everytime it goes to the next row of the table it is overwritten.


What? Sorry, but really... This doesn't make sense to me.

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THE CODE given by bobbinsbro works FINE FOR ME but I am still wondering why the implode function did not work for me as I wanted it to work inside the loop and overwritten everytime it came to the next row of the MYsql table.


If someone can tell this , nice but anyway thanks to bobbinsbro.

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well, you redeclared $tmp as an empty array() in every iteration of the loop. then you set element 0 to contain the <a></a> tags. then you imploded only 1 element around the space (" ") character. implode does not append the $glue onto the end of each element, but rather performs a concatenation of all elements, separating them by the $glue. so when you only have 1 element, the concatenation is simply:

$oneElement = $oneElement;

and not:

$oneElement = $oneElement.$glue;

and so, declaring $tmp as an array was doing nothing for you. so i dropped that, and now each iteration of the loop, the string variable $tmp gets overwitten, like you wanted, and a space character is concatenated to it on echo, instead of the unsuccessful implode.


that's as thorough an explanation as i can manage. :)

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