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Enom IP settings for Apache website blogpage on Centos RedHat


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I am a newbie and trying to get my website online by using this tutorial on this link.



I might be wrong but this what i did.


I used my LAN address through out the httpd configuration file.


on the other hand, at Enom settings, I used my real IP address for A address in record type.


I dont know if that is right or wrong but I am trying best to my common sense and limited knowledge.


For right now, I am just trying to get my website be online by using Enom settings.

As far as my understanding, I am using DNS services of Enom and webhosting of apache at my server.


Also when i run apache I see this error.


[error] (EAI 2)Name or service not known: Could not resolve host name yourhostname -- ignoring!

                                                          [  OK  ]


Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Yes i wrongfully added :80 to ADDRESS. when I took this off. I see this error



[error] (EAI 2)Name or service not known: Could not resolve host name www.middlesystems.com -- ignoring!

[Tue Nov 04 21:49:34 2008] [error] (EAI 2)Name or service not known: Could not resolve host name www.middlesystems.com -- ignoring!

[Tue Nov 04 21:49:34 2008] [error] (EAI 2)Name or service not known: Could not resolve host name yourhostname -- ignoring!



I guess, I might need to configure enom settings.


I have only my real IP address added there

Host name @

address myIpaddress

record type a address


nothing else in host records. is it correct?


everything else in enom settings is default.





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Another progress... wo hoo

now i can type names and get the website. there were problems where I forgot to type the domain name in the httpd.conf file.

so everything is in line


So i think it has been resolved as far as the thread was started for.



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