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help me with this error someone


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here is the error im getting


Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'www'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/www/public_html/src/index.php on line 15

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Access denied for user 'www'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/www/public_html/src/index.php on line 82

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: A link to the server could not be established in /home/www/public_html/src/index.php on line 82

Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/www/public_html/src/index.php on line 83

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: Access denied for user 'www'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/www/public_html/src/index.php on line 153

Warning: mysql_query() [function.mysql-query]: A link to the server could not be established in /home/www/public_html/src/index.php on line 153

Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/www/public_html/src/index.php on line 239

Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/www/public_html/src/index.php on line 302


here is my connect db code



$db_host = "localhost";

$db_name = "pws";

$db_user = "usr";

$db_password = "pass";



and here is my script



$UserName = "";
$PassWord = "";
$isLogged = true;

if(isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["UserName"]) &&
        $UserName = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["UserName"];
        $PassWord = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["PassWord"];
if(mysql_connect($db_host, $UserName, $PassWord) === false ||
  ($UserName == "" || $PassWord == ""))
  $isLogged = false;

$item_id = $HTTP_POST_VARS["id"];
//$item_id gets used as a flag for when a new item is created.
if($item_id != "" && $isLogged == true)
  $name = $HTTP_POST_VARS["name"];
  $price = $HTTP_POST_VARS["price"];
  $summary = $HTTP_POST_VARS["summary"];
  $description = $HTTP_POST_VARS["description"];  
  $ordre = $HTTP_POST_VARS["ordre"];
  if($ordre == "")
     $ordre = "0";
  $update = "update items set ordre = ordre + 1 where ordre >= " . $ordre;
  $insert = "insert into items (name, price, summary, description, ordre) values (" .
            "'" . $name . "', " .
            $price . ", " .
            "'" . $summary . "', " .
            "'" . $description . "', " .
            $ordre . ")";
  $item_id = mysql_insert_id();
      $file_handle = fopen($HTTP_POST_FILES["thumbnail"]["tmp_name"], "rb");
      $thumbnail = $HTTP_POST_FILES["thumbnail"]["name"];
      $file_bytes = addslashes(fread($file_handle, 
      $update = "update items set " .
                "thumbnail = '" . $file_bytes . "' " .                     
                "where id = " . $item_id;
      $file_handle = fopen($HTTP_POST_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"], "rb");
      $image = $HTTP_POST_FILES["image"]["name"];
      $file_bytes = addslashes(fread($file_handle, 
      $update = "update items set " .
                "image = '" . $file_bytes . "' " .                     
                "where id = " . $item_id;

$select = "select id from items order by ordre";
$ids = mysql_query($select);
while(($id = mysql_fetch_assoc($ids)) && $isLogged == true)
     $item_id = $HTTP_POST_VARS["id_" . $id["id"]];
     //If the item was modified, save it.
     if($item_id != "" && $item_id > 0)
       $name = $HTTP_POST_VARS["name_" . $id["id"]];
       $price = $HTTP_POST_VARS["price_" . $id["id"]];
       $summary = $HTTP_POST_VARS["summary_" . $id["id"]];
       $description = $HTTP_POST_VARS["description_" . $id["id"]];       
       $ordre = $HTTP_POST_VARS["ordre_" . $id["id"]];
       $update = "update items set " .
                 "name = '" . $name . "', " .
                 "price = " . $price . ", " .
                 "summary = '" . $summary . "', " .
                 "description = '" . $description . "', " .
                 "ordre = " . $ordre . " " .
                 "where id = " . $item_id;
       //Were any files uploaded?        
         if(is_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES["thumbnail_" . $item_id]["tmp_name"]))
           $file_handle = fopen($HTTP_POST_FILES["thumbnail_" . $item_id]["tmp_name"], "rb");
           $thumbnail = $HTTP_POST_FILES["thumbnail_" . $item_id]["name"];
           $file_bytes = addslashes(fread($file_handle, 
                                          filesize($HTTP_POST_FILES["thumbnail_" . $item_id]["tmp_name"])));
           $update = "update items set " .
                     "thumbnail = '" . $file_bytes . "' " .                     
                     "where id = " . $item_id;
           unlink($HTTP_POST_FILES["thumbnail_" . $item_id]["tmp_name"]);
         if(is_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES["image_" . $item_id]["tmp_name"]))
           $file_handle = fopen($HTTP_POST_FILES["image_" . $item_id]["tmp_name"], "rb");
           $image = $HTTP_POST_FILES["image_" . $item_id]["name"];
           $file_bytes = addslashes(fread($file_handle, 
                                          filesize($HTTP_POST_FILES["image_" . $item_id]["tmp_name"])));
           $update = "update items set " .
                     "image = '" . $file_bytes . "' " .                     
                     "where id = " . $item_id;
           unlink($HTTP_POST_FILES["image_" . $item_id]["tmp_name"]);
     //Delete items.
     if($item_id != "" && $item_id < 0)
       $delete = "delete from items where id = " . (-$item_id);
       unlink("./images/item_" . (-$item_id) . "_thumbnail.jpg");
       unlink("./images/item_" . (-$item_id) . "_image.jpg");

$select = "select * from items order by ordre";
$items = mysql_query($select);

<title>item shopping cart edit</title>

function NewImage(id)
         var File;
         var Image;
         var Save;
         if(id != null)
           eval('File = document.cart.image_' + id + ';');
           eval('Image = document.images.image_file_' + id + ';');
           File = document.cart.image;
           Image = document.images.image_file;

         if(File.value != '')
           Image.src = File.value;

function NewThumb(id)
         var File;
         var Image;
         var Save;
         if(id != null)
           eval('File = document.cart.thumbnail_' + id + ';');
           eval('Image = document.images.thumbnail_file_' + id + ';');
           File = document.cart.thumbnail;
           Image = document.images.thumbnail_file;

         if(File.value != '')
           Image.src = File.value;
function save_item(id)
         if(id != null)
            eval('document.cart.id_' + id + '.value = ' + id + ';');
            document.cart.id.value = 0;
function delete_item(id)
         eval('document.cart.id_' + id + '.value = ' + (-id) + ';');   
function logout()
         document.cookie = 'UserName=';
         document.cookie = 'PassWord=';

<body <? if($HTTP_POST_VARS["id"] != "") { ?>onload="document.cart.ordre.value = ''; document.cart.submit();"<? } ?>>
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" name="cart">
<input type="hidden" name="ordre" value="<?= $HTTP_POST_VARS["ordre"] ?>" />

<table align="center">

<? if((mysql_num_rows($items) == 0 || $HTTP_POST_VARS["ordre"] != "") 
      && $HTTP_POST_VARS["id"] == "" && $isLogged == true) { ?>

<input type="hidden" name="id" />

<td valign="top">
    <td>item name: </td>
    <td><input type="text" name="name" onchange="save_item();" /></td>
    <td>price: </td>
    <td><input type="text" name="price" onchange="save_item();" /></td>
    <td>summary: </td>
    <td><textarea name="summary" onchange="save_item();"></textarea></td>
    <td>description: </td>
    <td><textarea name="description" onchange="save_item();"></textarea></td>        
    <input type="button" value="save" 
    <input type="button" value="cancel" 
           onclick="document.cart.ordre.value = '';
                    document.cart.id.value = '';
    <input type="button" value="log out" 
           onclick="logout();" />
    <br /><br /></td>        

<td align="right" valign="top" nowrap>
thumbnail: <input type="file" name="thumbnail" onchange="NewThumb();" />
<br />
<img name="thumbnail_file" />
<br />
image: <input type="file" name="image" onchange="NewImage();" />
<br />
<img name="image_file" />

<? } ?>

while(($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($items)) && ($HTTP_POST_VARS["id"] == null) && ($isLogged == true)) { 

$item_id = $item["id"];
$name = $item["name"];
$price = $item["price"];
$summary = $item["summary"];
$description = $item["description"];
$thumbnail = $item["thumbnail"];
$image = $item["image"];
$ordre = $item["ordre"];

if(is_dir("images/") == false)
   mkdir("images/", 0755);

$thumbnail_file = "images/item_" . $item_id . "_thumbnail.jpg";
if($thumbnail != "")
  $thumbnail_file_handle = fopen("./" . $thumbnail_file, "wb");
  fwrite($thumbnail_file_handle, $thumbnail, strlen($thumbnail));
  chmod("./" . $thumbnail_file, 0644);

$image_file = "images/item_" . $item_id . "_image.jpg";
if($image != "")
  $image_file_handle = fopen("./" . $image_file, "wb");
  fwrite($image_file_handle, $image, strlen($image));
  chmod("./" . $image_file, 0644);

<input type="hidden" name="id_<?= $item_id ?>" />

<td valign="top">
    <td>item name: </td>
    <td><input type="text" name="name_<?= $item_id ?>" value="<?= $name ?>" 
               onchange="save_item(<?= $item_id ?>);" /></td>
    <td>price: </td>
    <td><input type="text" name="price_<?= $item_id ?>" value="<?= $price ?>" 
               onchange="save_item(<?= $item_id ?>);" /></td>
    <td>summary: </td>
    <td><textarea name="summary_<?= $item_id ?>" 
                  onchange="save_item(<?= $item_id ?>);"><?= $summary  ?></textarea></td>
    <td>description: </td>
    <td><textarea name="description_<?= $item_id ?>" 
                  onchange="save_item(<?= $item_id ?>);"><?= $description  ?></textarea></td>
    <td>order: </td>
    <td><input type="text" name="ordre_<?= $item_id ?>" value="<?= $ordre ?>"
               onchange="save_item(<?= $item_id ?>);" /></td>
    <input type="button" value="add a new item" 
           onclick="document.cart.ordre.value = <?= $ordre + 1 ?>;
    <input type="submit" value="save" />
    <input type="button" value="delete" 
           onclick="delete_item(<?= $item_id ?>);" />
    <input type="button" value="log out" 
           onclick="logout();" />
    <br /><br />

<td align="right" valign="top" nowrap>
thumbnail: <input type="file" name="thumbnail_<?= $item_id ?>" onchange="NewThumb(<?= $item_id ?>);" />
<br />
<img name="thumbnail_file_<?= $item_id ?>" src="<?= $thumbnail_file ?>" />
<br />
image: <input type="file" name="image_<?= $item_id ?>" onchange="NewImage(<?= $item_id ?>);" />
<br />
<img name="image_file_<?= $item_id ?>" src="<?= $image_file ?>" />
<br />

<? } ?>

<? if($isLogged == false) { ?>
<td>User Name </td>
<td><input type="text" name="User" /></td>

<td><input type="password" name="Pass" /></td>

<td colspan="2" align="right">
<input type="button" value="log in"
       onclick="document.cookie = 'UserName=' + document.cart.User.value;
                document.cookie = 'PassWord=' + document.cart.Pass.value;
<? } ?>



whats wrong with it ?:(

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Are you sure you have permission to access the server?


One problem I see is here....on line 15 where you get your 1st error.


$UserName = "";
$PassWord = "";
$isLogged = true;

if(isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["UserName"]) &&
        $UserName = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["UserName"];
        $PassWord = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["PassWord"];
if(mysql_connect($db_host, $UserName, $PassWord) == false ||
  ($UserName == "" || $PassWord == ""))


What you are basically doing is allowing mysql_connect() to call even though you may not have a valid user name and password to provide it with through your "$UserName" and "$Password" variables. Those variables could very well be NULL if the issets() aren't satisfied.


You need to call mysql_connect() only if you're sure you have assigned the $UserName and $Password vars... likes this:


$UserName = "";
$PassWord = "";
$isLogged = true;

if(isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["UserName"]) && isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["PassWord"]))
        $UserName = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["UserName"];
        $PassWord = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["PassWord"];
} else {
        $UserName = "BLANK";
        $PassWord = "BLANK";
} //UserName and PassWord should always have an assigned, not null, string.

if(mysql_connect($db_host, $UserName, $PassWord) === false ||
  ($UserName == "" || $PassWord == ""))

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u mean this


if(mysql_connect($db_host, $UserName, $PassWord) === false ||
  ($UserName == "" || $PassWord == ""))


should be $db_host, $db_user, $db_password


well i know i did fix that but its still giving error and yes ofcourse i have full access to my server


help me out please brother

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Oh even when you have a properly assigned user name and password you're still getting the error? Have you tried substituting your variables in mysql_connect() with a user name and pword you know work?


What exactly is this page doing and when are you getting the errors?

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im getting the error when im not logged as in the enter userid and password in if i assign a username and pws here


$UserName = "my server id";

$PassWord = "my server pws";

$isLogged = true;


only then i get connected but its still show that error when not logged in and i did try to substitute some but not helping out

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I just need to look at the code in php tags ...



$UserName = "";
$PassWord = "";
$isLogged = true;

if(isset($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["UserName"]) &&
        $UserName = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["UserName"];
        $PassWord = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS["PassWord"];
if(mysql_connect($db_host, $UserName, $PassWord) === false ||
  ($UserName == "" || $PassWord == ""))
  $isLogged = false;

$item_id = $HTTP_POST_VARS["id"];
//$item_id gets used as a flag for when a new item is created.
if($item_id != "" && $isLogged == true)
  $name = $HTTP_POST_VARS["name"];
  $price = $HTTP_POST_VARS["price"];
  $summary = $HTTP_POST_VARS["summary"];
  $description = $HTTP_POST_VARS["description"];  
  $ordre = $HTTP_POST_VARS["ordre"];
  if($ordre == "")
     $ordre = "0";
  $update = "update items set ordre = ordre + 1 where ordre >= " . $ordre;
  $insert = "insert into items (name, price, summary, description, ordre) values (" .
            "'" . $name . "', " .
            $price . ", " .
            "'" . $summary . "', " .
            "'" . $description . "', " .
            $ordre . ")";
  $item_id = mysql_insert_id();
      $file_handle = fopen($HTTP_POST_FILES["thumbnail"]["tmp_name"], "rb");
      $thumbnail = $HTTP_POST_FILES["thumbnail"]["name"];
      $file_bytes = addslashes(fread($file_handle, 
      $update = "update items set " .
                "thumbnail = '" . $file_bytes . "' " .                     
                "where id = " . $item_id;
      $file_handle = fopen($HTTP_POST_FILES["image"]["tmp_name"], "rb");
      $image = $HTTP_POST_FILES["image"]["name"];
      $file_bytes = addslashes(fread($file_handle, 
      $update = "update items set " .
                "image = '" . $file_bytes . "' " .                     
                "where id = " . $item_id;

$select = "select id from items order by ordre";
$ids = mysql_query($select);
while(($id = mysql_fetch_assoc($ids)) && $isLogged == true)
     $item_id = $HTTP_POST_VARS["id_" . $id["id"]];
     //If the item was modified, save it.
     if($item_id != "" && $item_id > 0)
       $name = $HTTP_POST_VARS["name_" . $id["id"]];
       $price = $HTTP_POST_VARS["price_" . $id["id"]];
       $summary = $HTTP_POST_VARS["summary_" . $id["id"]];
       $description = $HTTP_POST_VARS["description_" . $id["id"]];       
       $ordre = $HTTP_POST_VARS["ordre_" . $id["id"]];
       $update = "update items set " .
                 "name = '" . $name . "', " .
                 "price = " . $price . ", " .
                 "summary = '" . $summary . "', " .
                 "description = '" . $description . "', " .
                 "ordre = " . $ordre . " " .
                 "where id = " . $item_id;
       //Were any files uploaded?        
         if(is_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES["thumbnail_" . $item_id]["tmp_name"]))
           $file_handle = fopen($HTTP_POST_FILES["thumbnail_" . $item_id]["tmp_name"], "rb");
           $thumbnail = $HTTP_POST_FILES["thumbnail_" . $item_id]["name"];
           $file_bytes = addslashes(fread($file_handle, 
                                          filesize($HTTP_POST_FILES["thumbnail_" . $item_id]["tmp_name"])));
           $update = "update items set " .
                     "thumbnail = '" . $file_bytes . "' " .                     
                     "where id = " . $item_id;
           unlink($HTTP_POST_FILES["thumbnail_" . $item_id]["tmp_name"]);
         if(is_uploaded_file($HTTP_POST_FILES["image_" . $item_id]["tmp_name"]))
           $file_handle = fopen($HTTP_POST_FILES["image_" . $item_id]["tmp_name"], "rb");
           $image = $HTTP_POST_FILES["image_" . $item_id]["name"];
           $file_bytes = addslashes(fread($file_handle, 
                                          filesize($HTTP_POST_FILES["image_" . $item_id]["tmp_name"])));
           $update = "update items set " .
                     "image = '" . $file_bytes . "' " .                     
                     "where id = " . $item_id;
           unlink($HTTP_POST_FILES["image_" . $item_id]["tmp_name"]);
     //Delete items.
     if($item_id != "" && $item_id < 0)
       $delete = "delete from items where id = " . (-$item_id);
       unlink("./images/item_" . (-$item_id) . "_thumbnail.jpg");
       unlink("./images/item_" . (-$item_id) . "_image.jpg");

$select = "select * from items order by ordre";
$items = mysql_query($select);

<title>item shopping cart edit</title>

function NewImage(id)
         var File;
         var Image;
         var Save;
         if(id != null)
           eval('File = document.cart.image_' + id + ';');
           eval('Image = document.images.image_file_' + id + ';');
           File = document.cart.image;
           Image = document.images.image_file;

         if(File.value != '')
           Image.src = File.value;

function NewThumb(id)
         var File;
         var Image;
         var Save;
         if(id != null)
           eval('File = document.cart.thumbnail_' + id + ';');
           eval('Image = document.images.thumbnail_file_' + id + ';');
           File = document.cart.thumbnail;
           Image = document.images.thumbnail_file;

         if(File.value != '')
           Image.src = File.value;
function save_item(id)
         if(id != null)
            eval('document.cart.id_' + id + '.value = ' + id + ';');
            document.cart.id.value = 0;
function delete_item(id)
         eval('document.cart.id_' + id + '.value = ' + (-id) + ';');   
function logout()
         document.cookie = 'UserName=';
         document.cookie = 'PassWord=';

<body <? if($HTTP_POST_VARS["id"] != "") { ?>onload="document.cart.ordre.value = ''; document.cart.submit();"<? } ?>>
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" name="cart">
<input type="hidden" name="ordre" value="<?= $HTTP_POST_VARS["ordre"] ?>" />

<table align="center">

<? if((mysql_num_rows($items) == 0 || $HTTP_POST_VARS["ordre"] != "") 
      && $HTTP_POST_VARS["id"] == "" && $isLogged == true) { ?>

<input type="hidden" name="id" />

<td valign="top">
    <td>item name: </td>
    <td><input type="text" name="name" onchange="save_item();" /></td>
    <td>price: </td>
    <td><input type="text" name="price" onchange="save_item();" /></td>
    <td>summary: </td>
    <td><textarea name="summary" onchange="save_item();"></textarea></td>
    <td>description: </td>
    <td><textarea name="description" onchange="save_item();"></textarea></td>        
    <input type="button" value="save" 
    <input type="button" value="cancel" 
           onclick="document.cart.ordre.value = '';
                    document.cart.id.value = '';
    <input type="button" value="log out" 
           onclick="logout();" />
    <br /><br /></td>        

<td align="right" valign="top" nowrap>
thumbnail: <input type="file" name="thumbnail" onchange="NewThumb();" />
<br />
<img name="thumbnail_file" />
<br />
image: <input type="file" name="image" onchange="NewImage();" />
<br />
<img name="image_file" />

<? } ?>

while(($item = mysql_fetch_assoc($items)) && ($HTTP_POST_VARS["id"] == null) && ($isLogged == true)) { 

$item_id = $item["id"];
$name = $item["name"];
$price = $item["price"];
$summary = $item["summary"];
$description = $item["description"];
$thumbnail = $item["thumbnail"];
$image = $item["image"];
$ordre = $item["ordre"];

if(is_dir("images/") == false)
   mkdir("images/", 0755);

$thumbnail_file = "images/item_" . $item_id . "_thumbnail.jpg";
if($thumbnail != "")
  $thumbnail_file_handle = fopen("./" . $thumbnail_file, "wb");
  fwrite($thumbnail_file_handle, $thumbnail, strlen($thumbnail));
  chmod("./" . $thumbnail_file, 0644);

$image_file = "images/item_" . $item_id . "_image.jpg";
if($image != "")
  $image_file_handle = fopen("./" . $image_file, "wb");
  fwrite($image_file_handle, $image, strlen($image));
  chmod("./" . $image_file, 0644);

<input type="hidden" name="id_<?= $item_id ?>" />

<td valign="top">
    <td>item name: </td>
    <td><input type="text" name="name_<?= $item_id ?>" value="<?= $name ?>" 
               onchange="save_item(<?= $item_id ?>);" /></td>
    <td>price: </td>
    <td><input type="text" name="price_<?= $item_id ?>" value="<?= $price ?>" 
               onchange="save_item(<?= $item_id ?>);" /></td>
    <td>summary: </td>
    <td><textarea name="summary_<?= $item_id ?>" 
                  onchange="save_item(<?= $item_id ?>);"><?= $summary  ?></textarea></td>
    <td>description: </td>
    <td><textarea name="description_<?= $item_id ?>" 
                  onchange="save_item(<?= $item_id ?>);"><?= $description  ?></textarea></td>
    <td>order: </td>
    <td><input type="text" name="ordre_<?= $item_id ?>" value="<?= $ordre ?>"
               onchange="save_item(<?= $item_id ?>);" /></td>
    <input type="button" value="add a new item" 
           onclick="document.cart.ordre.value = <?= $ordre + 1 ?>;
    <input type="submit" value="save" />
    <input type="button" value="delete" 
           onclick="delete_item(<?= $item_id ?>);" />
    <input type="button" value="log out" 
           onclick="logout();" />
    <br /><br />

<td align="right" valign="top" nowrap>
thumbnail: <input type="file" name="thumbnail_<?= $item_id ?>" onchange="NewThumb(<?= $item_id ?>);" />
<br />
<img name="thumbnail_file_<?= $item_id ?>" src="<?= $thumbnail_file ?>" />
<br />
image: <input type="file" name="image_<?= $item_id ?>" onchange="NewImage(<?= $item_id ?>);" />
<br />
<img name="image_file_<?= $item_id ?>" src="<?= $image_file ?>" />
<br />

<? } ?>

<? if($isLogged == false) { ?>
<td>User Name </td>
<td><input type="text" name="User" /></td>

<td><input type="password" name="Pass" /></td>

<td colspan="2" align="right">
<input type="button" value="log in"
       onclick="document.cookie = 'UserName=' + document.cart.User.value;
                document.cookie = 'PassWord=' + document.cart.Pass.value;
<? } ?>


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oh ok here is where i get the error


<? if($isLogged == false) { ?>
<td>User Name </td>
<td><input type="text" name="User" /></td>

<td><input type="password" name="Pass" /></td>

<td colspan="2" align="right">
<input type="button" value="log in"
       onclick="document.cookie = 'UserName=' + document.cart.User.value;
                document.cookie = 'PassWord=' + document.cart.Pass.value;
<? } ?>

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It looks to me like you are trying to connect to your database using form information for the username and password. But these things shouldn't change - the database username and password should be predetermined, and you should be hard coded into your script. Unless for some reason you have a number of different databases that you yourself are connecting to, and you are creating an interface page just for yourself.


But if you are trying to check someone's username and password, then first you have to connect to the database using the username and password for the database, then you need to check to see if the user's username and password exist in the database.

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