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[SOLVED] Progress Bar using PHP Session variables and retrieving with AJAX

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I'm running two scripts asynch ( I believe ) so one script can update a session variable based on how complete it is while the other checks and returns it to the javascript/AJAX. However, the problem I'm running into is when my second script checks the session variables and returns it to the AJAX all i get are null variables.


Here's the part where i'm setting my session variables and incrementing:



for($i=0;$i<10; $i++)
	$progress+= 100/($KWLength * 10);   
                //KWlength is already defined and through testing i always have it 
= to 1
	$_SESSION['progress'] = $progress;


This is my secondary script which runs Asynch ( I THINK) with the above one




        //Grabs the progress variable
        echo $_SESSION['progress'];


Here's my javascript/Ajax which automates the progress (at the moment i'm just trying to increment a %). Once a button is clicked an interval is set which calls progressBar every 100 milliseconds.


function progressBar()
        //progxmlHttp is defined as a global
progxmlHttp = getSingleXMLHttpObject();

var url = "_includes/getProgress.php";

progxmlHttp.onreadystatechange = progressChange;
progxmlHttp.open("GET", url, true);

if (progress >= 100)
	alert("Progress done!");

function progressChange()
if (progxmlHttp.readyState == 4)
	progress = progxmlHttp.responseText;

	document.getElementById("ProgressPercent").innerHTML = 

(Math.round(progress*1000)/1000) + "%";


I've double checked all my code and I believe that this should be working.  Why am I getting null values from my session variables?  Are my AJAX functions not properly making requests to the server?


My javascript function are attached (as a .txt) which automate all of this  I apologize for all of the extra script in my javascript functions, I write a lot of different functions for testing purposes.


Thanks in advance!


[attachment deleted by admin]

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