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I'm trying to write a script that will find a day by counting weekdays, but skipping the weekends. Does anyone have any ideas how to accomplish this?



For example:


$delivery_date=mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day+$number_of_days, $year);

$number_of_days is always different.

if $number_of_days = "4" And today is Thursday, the result day should be Wednesday.

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This will work PHP5.1+



$today = date("N");
$number_of_days = 4; //example value
//this example will assume today is not a weekend day, because I don't know how you want to handle that.

$delivery = ((int) $today) + $number_of_days;
if($delivery > 5) {
    //Saturday or Sunday
    $weeks = floor($delivery/5);
    $days = $delivery % 5;
    //so, for example, if delivery were 8, we would have 1 weeks and 3 days.
    $delivery = (($weeks-1)*7) + $days;
$delivery_date = date("l jS \of F Y", time()+($delivery*24*60*60));




My offsets might be off, so you'll probably want to test that. ;p

I found this script, but it tells me how many work days there are between two dates.




* Calculates the number of work days between 2 given times
* @see get_holidays()
* @param date $start_date First date
* @param date $end_date Second date
* @param bool $workdays_only Whether to count only work days (eg. Mon-Fri)
* @param bool $skip_holidays Whether to use the get_holidays() function to skip holiday days as well
* @return int $workday_counter Number of workdays between the 2 dates
function date_difference($start_date, $end_date, $workdays_only = false, $skip_holidays = false){
$start_date = strtotime($start_date);
$end_date = strtotime($end_date);
$seconds_in_a_day = 86400;
$sunday_val = "0";
$saturday_val = "6";
$workday_counter = 0;
$holiday_array = array();

$ptr_year = intval(date("Y", $start_date));
$holiday_array[$ptr_year] = get_holidays(date("Y", $start_date));

for($day_val = $start_date; $day_val <= $end_date; $day_val+=$seconds_in_a_day){
$pointer_day = date("w", $day_val);
if($workdays_only == true){
if(($pointer_day != $sunday_val) AND ($pointer_day != $saturday_val)){
if($skip_holidays == true){
if(intval(date("Y", $day_val))!=$ptr_year){
$ptr_year = intval(date("Y", $day_val));
$holiday_array[$ptr_year] = get_holidays(date("Y", $day_val));
if(!in_array($day_val, $holiday_array[date("Y", $day_val)])){
if($skip_holidays == true){
if(intval(date("Y", $day_val))!=$ptr_year){
$ptr_year = intval(date("Y", $day_val));
$holiday_array[$ptr_year] = get_holidays(date("Y", $day_val));
if(!in_array($day_val, $holiday_array[date("Y", $day_val)])){
return $workday_counter;

* Takes a date in yyyy-mm-dd format and returns a PHP timestamp
* @param string $MySqlDate
* @return unknown
function get_timestamp($MySqlDate){

$date_array = explode("-",$MySqlDate); // split the array

$var_year = $date_array[0];
$var_month = $date_array[1];
$var_day = $date_array[2];

$var_timestamp = mktime(0,0,0,$var_month,$var_day,$var_year);
return($var_timestamp); // return it to the user

* Returns the date of the $ord $day of the $month.
* For example ordinal_day(3, 'Sun', 5, 2001) returns the
* date of the 3rd Sunday of May (ie. Mother's Day).
* @author [email protected]
* @param int $ord
* @param string $day (must be 3 char abbrev, per date("D)
* @param int $month
* @param int $year
* @return unknown
function ordinal_day($ord, $day, $month, $year) {

$firstOfMonth = get_timestamp("$year-$month-01");
$lastOfMonth = $firstOfMonth + date("t", $firstOfMonth) * 86400;
$dayOccurs = 0;

for ($i = $firstOfMonth; $i < $lastOfMonth ; $i += 86400){
if (date("D", $i) == $day){
if ($dayOccurs == $ord){
$ordDay = $i;
return $ordDay;

function memorial_day($inc_year){
for($date_stepper = intval(date("t", strtotime("$inc_year-05-01"))); $date_stepper >= 1; $date_stepper--){
if(date("l", strtotime("$inc_year-05-$date_stepper"))=="Monday"){
return strtotime("$inc_year-05-$date_stepper");

* Looks through a lists of defined holidays and tells you which
* one is coming up next.
* @author [email protected]
* @param int $inc_year The year we are looking for holidays in
* @return array
function get_holidays($inc_year){
//$year = date("Y");
$year = $inc_year;

$holidays[] = new Holiday("New Year's Day", get_timestamp("$year-1-1"));
$holidays[] = new Holiday("Australia Day", get_timestamp("$year-1-26"));
$holidays[] = new Holiday("Labour Day", ordinal_day(1, 'Mon', 3, $year));
$holidays[] = new Holiday("Anzac Day", get_timestamp("$year-4-25"));
//$holidays[] = new Holiday("St. Patrick's Day", get_timestamp("$year-3-17"));
// TODO: $holidays[] = new Holiday("Good Friday", easter_date($year));
$holidays[] = new Holiday("Easter", easter_date($year));
// TODO: $holidays[] = new Holiday("Easter Monday", easter_date($year));
$holidays[] = new Holiday("Foundation Day", ordinal_day(1, 'Mon', 6, $year));
$holidays[] = new Holiday("Queen's Birthday", ordinal_day(1, 'Mon', 10, $year));
//$holidays[] = new Holiday("Memorial Day", memorial_day($year));
//$holidays[] = new Holiday("Mother's Day", ordinal_day(2, 'Sun', 5, $year));
//$holidays[] = new Holiday("Father's Day", ordinal_day(3, 'Sun', 6, $year));
//$holidays[] = new Holiday("Independence Day", get_timestamp("$year-7-4"));
//$holidays[] = new Holiday("Labor Day", ordinal_day(1, 'Mon', 9, $year));
$holidays[] = new Holiday("Christmas", get_timestamp("$year-12-25"));
$holidays[] = new Holiday("Boxing Day", get_timestamp("$year-12-26"));

$numHolidays = count($holidays) - 1;
$out_array = array();

for ($i = 0; $i < $numHolidays; $i++){
$out_array[] = $holidays[$i]->date;
return $out_array;

class Holiday{
//var $name;
//var $date;
public $name;
public $date;

// Contructor to define the details of each holiday as it is created.
function holiday($name, $date){
$this->name = $name; // Official name of holiday
$this->date = $date; // UNIX timestamp of date


I think Corbins answer is very good however if you don't have php 5.1


I'd do this....

  if(($today==1 && $number_of_days < 5)|| ($today==2 && $number_of_days < 4)||($today==3 && $number_of_days < 3)||($today==4 && $number_of_days < 2)){
$delivery_date=mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day+$number_of_days, $year);     
   //add 2days for every weekend     
    $delivery_date=mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day+$total_days, $year);

I appreciate your help, but the script doesn't work.




function find_day($transit_time){    
$today = time ();
$year = date("Y", $today);
$month = date("m", $today);
$day = date("j", $today);
$today_day = date("l", $today);
$hour= date("H", $today);
$weekday = date("w");

  if(($weekday==1 && $transit_time < 5)|| ($weekday==2 && $transit_time < 4)||($weekday==3 && $transit_time < 3)||($weekday==4 && $transit_time < 2)){
$delivery_date=mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day+$transit_time, $year);     
   //add 2days for every weekend     
    $delivery_date=mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day+$total_days, $year);
return $delivery_date;
}//end function find_day

$transit_time = "3";

$delivery_date = find_day($transit_time);
echo date("l F j, Y", $delivery_date);


Sorry, It was a bit late last nigt. Try:



function find_day($transit_time){    
$today = time ();
$year = date("Y", $today);
$month = date("m", $today);
$day = date("j", $today);
$today_day = date("l", $today);
$hour= date("H", $today);
$weekday = date("w");

  if(($weekday==1 && $transit_time < 5)|| ($weekday==2 && $transit_time < 4)||($weekday==3 && $transit_time < 3)||($weekday==4 && $transit_time < 2)){
$delivery_date=mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day+$transit_time, $year);     
   //add 2days for every weekend     
    $weekends=floor($transit_time/7)*2; //already one weekend because we got to this bit! This calculates additional weekends
    $total_days=$transit_time+$weekends+2;// need to add one that weekend!
    $delivery_date=mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day+$total_days, $year);
return $delivery_date;
}//end function find_day

$transit_time = "3";

$delivery_date = find_day($transit_time);
echo date("l F j, Y", $delivery_date);

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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