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Simple Regex problem


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1) There's a regex forum.  Just letting you know for next time.


2) Try this:

$input = <<<STRING

preg_match_all('(\d{3}\|\d{3})', $input, $matches);


3) I assumed you wanted the array to be like:

    [0] => Array
            [0] => 324|432


If you wanted:

    [0] => Array
            [0] => 324

    [1] => Array
            [0] => 432



Just let me know.


4) Read my regex tutorial on the home page of this site if you need a refresher on regex.

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Yeah, I know.  I wasn't sure how you wanted it to be formatted at the end.  Try this then:


$input = <<<STRING

preg_match_all('(\d{3})\|(\d{3})', $input, $matches);


$matches[0] contains left side numbers and $matches[1] contains right side ones.

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These are points on a graph.

I plan to have two input text fields.

The user enters a number of points into each text field. (in the format 345|987 or 234|43 or 1|1 etc)

The actual application of this involves a copy/paste of a page with hundreds of these in amoung other random text)


After the form is submitted, they are shown which points are clostest together.(and how far apart they are)

No two points can be used more than once.


So I was thinking, get the first result in $first_points_field and using the distance formula on all points in $second_points_field.

After the smallest distance is found, remove those entries from $first_points_field and $second_points_field.


I hope I am amking sense.

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Ok here is an example input.


$input1 =

plot 337 (431|82)

your own 0092160

2450035000 Commands

plot 346 (429|75)

your own 00108630

2043034900 Commands

plot 353 (413|77)

your own 00105990

2000035000 Commands



plot 337 (112|124)

your own 0092160

4572475050 Commands

plot 346 (134|75)

your own 00108630

4572472700 Commands

plot 353 (433|145)

your own 00105990

572700 Commands


There will only be 3 outputs in this case.

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OH.  I misread your first post!  The regex should have been:


$input = <<<STRING

preg_match_all('/(\d{1,3})\|(\d{1,3})/', $input, $matches);


Now, let me make sure the logic I'm thinking of is correct:


Parse inputs into arrays

Loop through first input array

    For each in second array, do distance formula, sort resulting array, and take the closest one

    Remove element from first array

End loop for first array


Correct?  Or do you need to remove the point from both the first and second arrays?  What if two plots both share the same point as their closest point?

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And the laziness strikes. D:  Also, I need to go do my homework.  I started it for you though:


//get your inputs however you want, I don't know.  I'm assuming $input1 and $input2

preg_match_all('/\b\d{1,3}\|\d{1,3}\b/', $input1, $data_one);
preg_match_all('/\b\d{1,3}\|\d{1,3}\b/', $input2, $data_two);

function get_distance($other, $curr) {

$dist = sqrt(pow($curr[0] - $other[0], 2) + pow($curr[1] - $other[1], 2));
return $dist;

function split_to_array($array) {
return explode("|", $array);

$one = array_map('split_to_array', $data_one[0]);
$two = array_map('split_to_array', $data_two[0]);

while ($curr = array_pop($one)) {


The distance formula is there for you, and some basic processing.  I might be able to come back later and finish this up (and possibly fix some speed issues that I can foresee happening >_<), but I don't know.

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