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Hey guys,

I may have found a new bug in IE8, googled around a bit but can't find anything close...maybe someone here knows whats going on?


Anyway, basically just a div with background colour, and inside sits a block displayed link, transparent in its normal state, but with a background image when hovered over.


Test case at http://esquimaux.com.au/ie8bgtest/test.html


So the HTML is like this (bare in mind the actual case is valid XHTML 1.1):


	<div id="outer">
		<a href="#" id="inner">test</a>



And the CSS as follows:

div#outer { width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: #00FF00; }
a#inner { display: block; width: 100px; height: 100px; background: transparent; }
a#inner:hover { background: transparent url(testbg.png); }


So its meant to just be a green square with the test link in it, and as you hover over it the backgroun image kicks in and the sits over the whole div, so the whole square goes blue (as thats the colour of the bg image).


Works great in all good browsers, even IE6 and 7, but not IE8 (curiously though it does work in IE8 compatibility mode).


In IE8 the bg image doesnt show. Any other hover css will work (changing link colour etc). Also, it will work if the initial link css doesnt have background: transparent set, but i need that tag for the site im working on.


So it seems the IE8 can't overide the background: transparent on hover state.


Any ideas?

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As long as those are fixed before the program is released i wouldn't care about the amount of bugs in any software.


I used to test my sites in IE8 Beta as well, and i generally found that they worked the same as in IE7, i even tested out the new webslices. I can only say that IE has improved a lot, it would however still need to add some functionality, such as the possibility for its users to change default hotkeys, I.e. Usability issue: backspace key



If you are validating your code and testing new features in IE, then it wouldn't take long for you to notice how the hslice class was referenced to have an ID like "1", that would generate validation errors since ids ain't allowed to begin with a number. As far as i know, it doesn't however make much a difference to name the hslice "item-1" or similar, (which is allowed). So some stuff are really easily solved.


You may want to check out Report a Webpage Problem Internet Explorer 8.0 Beta Add-On

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