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Getting a value from another table


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Hi I have two tables with the following fields:


Table 1: offices

officeid (Primary Key), name, abbreviation


Table 2: members

memid (Primary Key), fname, surname, email, office


A form is used to insert a new member into the members table - the value stored in the 'office' field is the officeid which is selected from a dynamic menu which displays lists all of the rows in the offices table.


This works fine and is not a problem.


I have a page which queries the members table for all rows and columns and displays the results in a table on the page.


SELECT memid, surname, fname, email, office FROM members


The part where I have got stuck is converting the value stored in the 'office' field in the members table to show associated value stored in the 'abbreviation' field in the offices table.  Basically I want the user to see some text (the abbreviation field) rather than a meaningless number (officeid).


I would be grateful if you could point me in the right direction.


Hope this makes sense!  If you need more info please let me know.


Thanks in advance


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Thanks that worked, but now i have added 2 more office columns to the members table so it now looks like:


Table: members

memid (Primary Key), fname, surname, email, office1, office2, office3


each of member can belong in upto 3 offices hence office1, 2 and 3.


what do i need to change in the code to make it work:


m.memid, m.surname, m.fname, m.email, o.abbreviation
FROM members AS m
INNER JOIN offices AS o ON ( o.officeid = m.office )




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