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[SOLVED] Preserve POST query while Paging Records with GET


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I am getting a bit confused here.  So I have a web page (php) with some form fields which are submitted using POST.  The values in these fields are used as parameters in a MySQL query and the resulting records are returned in a table below the form fields.  So far so good.


The confusion arose when I tried to add 'paging' capabilities to the web page.  The URLs for 'next' & 'previous' specify parameters regarding which page of records to show: .  However, this url does not contain the parameters for the query and thus, my query gets lost - kind of an important detail when you're trying to get more records from the same query.


The question, then, is if I have to convert my form fields to GET so that they appear in the URL too.  Or whether there is some way to implement 'paging' with POST.  (Or whether POST & GET can be integrated). 


I should mention that I originally gravitated towards POST because I read that it was more secure and am a bit reluctant to change my form fields to GET.  Perhaps that is unwarranted. 

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One thing I found out by accident was declaring my FORM like this:

<form action="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" method="post">


Whatever link you navigate from is recreated inside the FORM declaration with all the $_GET parameters meaning reading using $_POST is possible to read the data from the submitted form and $_GET can also be used to read the URL. I was also having the same problem in that FORM data was missing from the URL.



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