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exit() - unexpected result


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Hi folks. First off I'm having a bad day (and know it) so sorry if this turns out to be something REALLY dumb.


I'm coding a basic user authentication system - like I've done many times before. However this time things are not working in a way I expect!


For simplicity's sake lets say I have two files - index.php and session.php. Session does the authentication. In index.php I 'require_once' session.php - that works! In session.php I have just this:






if (!isset($_SESSION["defnyddiwr"])) {

echo "login box";






The result is that the unauthenticated user gets show 'login box' but also the HTML in index.php - exit() seems to have no effect! I was expecting the script to stop at the exit point - including index.php!!


What on earth is going wrong? I could have sworn I've used this method in the past without any problems.

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Interesting! It returned this


login texttest did work


and then all the index.php stuff. No errors.


Seems like exit(); stops the execution of session.php but not index.php even though it's an  included file. Is this normal? I'm 99% sure I've used this method before without this problem.

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Ahh, i'm not sure if file inclusion will exit the page you are viewing, i believe the exit works but only on the page it's in, not when included. If that makes sense,

//page 1

//page 2
include "page1.php";
echo "<br>test2";

That code will stop anything after the exit on page 1 being sent to page 2, but the exit won't affect page 2.


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