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some quick hand-holding about mod_alias


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i know nobody likes noobs who flood the forums looking for quick answers without doing any work, but i assure you that i have been googling for HOURS. it seems im just an idiot.


i set up an apache server using lifehackers guide. it went really well. everyones running GREAT. i have one problem that im hoping is easy to fix.


my documentroot is set to 'E:'. i have four hard drives in my server pc, one for each type of file (video, music, etc.)


when i go to my webpage online, all i get is my 'E:' directory, naturally, since its the root.



so how do i add other directories? 'F:', for instance?


PLEASE do not refer me to apache's mod_alias page. i have NO IDEA what im looking at. i tried everything, but im finding it way to confusing. i just want to add a few simple directories, with default settings. nothing complicated.


if someone could just tell me what code to put in the httpd file, and where to put it, i'd be eternally grateful!



thanks in advance for the handholding!

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Hey Dismal_Nihility,


I might be able to help you.


Here's an example that I tried on my computer, and it works fine.


I wanted to point "http://localhost/hello/" to my local "C:/Videos" folder. I added these lines to my httpd.conf file and restarted apache:



Alias /hello/ "C:/Videos"

<Directory "C:/Videos">

    AllowOverride All

    Options Indexes

    Order allow,deny

    Allow from all



Just change it up to match what you want to do. And let me know if it works for you.

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so, what you showed me completely works.


what i wanted was, when i go to my ip (or my domain, once i link it to my ip), i get a link to each drive. instead of jsut an index of the root.


im seeing now that the only way its possible is to make an actual webpage, and have hyperlinks to each drive, serving each drive up with the methods you helped me with.




i dont suppose theres any way you guys know how to link apache to default to a built website file, that i could make with frontpage or something, instead of indexing a folder, do you?

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