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Redirect Loop


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Hi, on my club.php file, I am getting this when viewed on my site, through firefox.


Redirect Loop














Redirection limit for this URL exceeded.  Unable to load the requested page.  This may be caused by cookies that are blocked.








The browser has stopped trying to retrieve the requested item. The site is


redirecting the request in a way that will never complete.





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code as below;




Club include (club.inc.php)

$clubid = $_GET['clubid'];
mysql_query("UPDATE clubs2 SET hits = hits + 1 WHERE id = '$clubid' AND game = '$game'") or die (mysql_error());

$q = "SELECT * FROM clubs2 WHERE id = '$clubid' AND game = '$game'";$rs = mysql_query($q) or die("Problem with the query: $q<br>" . mysql_error());$getclub = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
if (mysql_num_rows($getclub) == 0)
die(header(error("club.php?game=$game","This is not a real club.")));
$getmemberdata = fetch("SELECT * FROM club_members2 WHERE club = '$clubid' AND user = '$userid' AND game = '$game'");
$getmemberdata4 = fetch("SELECT * FROM club_members2 WHERE user = '$userid' AND game = '$game'");
if (!$getmemberdata[id])
$getmemberdata[position] = 0;
$clubrank = $getmemberdata[position];

if ($clubrank == 0)
$position = "Visitor, <a href=$base_url/club_join.pro.php?game=$game&clubid=$clubid><font color=$topAndBottomText>join</font></a>";

if ($clubrank == 1)
$position = "Member, <a href=$base_url/club_leave.pro.php?game=$game&clubid=$clubid onClick=\"if ( !confirm ('Are you sure you want to leave this club?') ) { return false; }\"><font color=$topAndBottomText>leave</font></a>";
if ($clubrank == 2)
$position = "Moderator, <a href=$base_url/club_leave.pro.php?game=$game&clubid=$clubid onClick=\"if ( !confirm ('Are you sure you want to leave this club?') ) { return false; }\"><font color=$topAndBottomText>leave</font></a>";
if ($clubrank == 3)
$position = "Admin";
$club_admin_line = "<br><a href=club_admin.php?game=$game&clubid=$clubid>Admin Page</a>";

if ($clubrank < $clubrank_check)
die(header(error("clubs.php?game=$game","You do not have access to this page.")));

$num_members = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM club_members2 WHERE club = '$clubid' AND game = '$game'"));
echo '<pre>' . var_export($getclub,true) . '</pre>';
$date_created = date("M j, Y",$getclub['datecreated']);
$owner = fetch("SELECT display_name FROM members2 WHERE id = '$getclub[owner]' AND game = '$game'");

$numPosts = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM club_forums2 WHERE club = '$clubid'"));

$topmenu = "
<center><table width=95% bgcolor=\"$tableOutline\" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1><tr bgcolor=\"$topAndBottomBG\" width=100%><td><p><font color=$topAndBottomText><b>$getclub[name]</b> <i>owned by $owner[display_name]</i></font></p></td><td width=150><p><font color=$topAndBottomText>$display_name ($position)</font></p></td></tr><tr height=100 bgcolor=\"$reallyLight\"><TD colspan=2><p align=center><b><i>$getclub[motto]</i></b></p><center><table bgcolor=\"$tableOutline\" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1 width=375><tr bgcolor=\"$topAndBottomBG\"><td width=50%><p align=center><b><font color=$topAndBottomText>Stats</font></b></p></td><td width=50%><p align=center><b><font color=$topAndBottomText>Links</font></b></p></td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"$reallyLight\"><td valign=top>

<p>Members: <a href=club_members.php?game=$game&clubid=$clubid>$num_members</a><br>
Created: $date_created<Br>
Hits: $getclub[hits]</p>

</td><td valign=top>

<p><a href=$base_url/club.php?game=$game&clubid=$clubid>Home</a><br>
<a href=$base_url/club_forums.php?game=$game&clubid=$clubid>Chat Boards</a> ($numPosts Posts)


$startClub = "<Br>$topmenu<br><table width=95% bgcolor=\"$tableOutline\" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1><tr bgcolor=\"$topAndBottomBG\"><td><p align=left class=white><b>$page_heading</b></p></td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"$maincellColor\"><td>";
$endClub = "</td></tr></table></center><br>";


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ok I deleted die now, however it is still redirecting;




Club include (club.inc.php)

$clubid = $_GET['clubid'];
mysql_query("UPDATE clubs2 SET hits = hits + 1 WHERE id = '$clubid' AND game = '$game'") or die (mysql_error());

$q = "SELECT * FROM clubs2 WHERE id = '$clubid' AND game = '$game'";$rs = mysql_query($q) or die("Problem with the query: $q<br>" . mysql_error());$getclub = mysql_fetch_assoc($rs);
if (mysql_num_rows($getclub) == 0)
header(error("club.php?game=$game","This is not a real club."));
$getmemberdata = fetch("SELECT * FROM club_members2 WHERE club = '$clubid' AND user = '$userid' AND game = '$game'");
$getmemberdata4 = fetch("SELECT * FROM club_members2 WHERE user = '$userid' AND game = '$game'");
if (!$getmemberdata[id])
$getmemberdata[position] = 0;
$clubrank = $getmemberdata[position];

if ($clubrank == 0)
$position = "Visitor, <a href=$base_url/club_join.pro.php?game=$game&clubid=$clubid><font color=$topAndBottomText>join</font></a>";

if ($clubrank == 1)
$position = "Member, <a href=$base_url/club_leave.pro.php?game=$game&clubid=$clubid onClick=\"if ( !confirm ('Are you sure you want to leave this club?') ) { return false; }\"><font color=$topAndBottomText>leave</font></a>";
if ($clubrank == 2)
$position = "Moderator, <a href=$base_url/club_leave.pro.php?game=$game&clubid=$clubid onClick=\"if ( !confirm ('Are you sure you want to leave this club?') ) { return false; }\"><font color=$topAndBottomText>leave</font></a>";
if ($clubrank == 3)
$position = "Admin";
$club_admin_line = "<br><a href=club_admin.php?game=$game&clubid=$clubid>Admin Page</a>";

if ($clubrank < $clubrank_check)
die(header(error("clubs.php?game=$game","You do not have access to this page.")));

$num_members = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM club_members2 WHERE club = '$clubid' AND game = '$game'"));
echo '<pre>' . var_export($getclub,true) . '</pre>';
$date_created = date("M j, Y",$getclub['datecreated']);
$owner = fetch("SELECT display_name FROM members2 WHERE id = '$getclub[owner]' AND game = '$game'");

$numPosts = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM club_forums2 WHERE club = '$clubid'"));

$topmenu = "
<center><table width=95% bgcolor=\"$tableOutline\" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1><tr bgcolor=\"$topAndBottomBG\" width=100%><td><p><font color=$topAndBottomText><b>$getclub[name]</b> <i>owned by $owner[display_name]</i></font></p></td><td width=150><p><font color=$topAndBottomText>$display_name ($position)</font></p></td></tr><tr height=100 bgcolor=\"$reallyLight\"><TD colspan=2><p align=center><b><i>$getclub[motto]</i></b></p><center><table bgcolor=\"$tableOutline\" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1 width=375><tr bgcolor=\"$topAndBottomBG\"><td width=50%><p align=center><b><font color=$topAndBottomText>Stats</font></b></p></td><td width=50%><p align=center><b><font color=$topAndBottomText>Links</font></b></p></td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"$reallyLight\"><td valign=top>

<p>Members: <a href=club_members.php?game=$game&clubid=$clubid>$num_members</a><br>
Created: $date_created<Br>
Hits: $getclub[hits]</p>

</td><td valign=top>

<p><a href=$base_url/club.php?game=$game&clubid=$clubid>Home</a><br>
<a href=$base_url/club_forums.php?game=$game&clubid=$clubid>Chat Boards</a> ($numPosts Posts)


$startClub = "<Br>$topmenu<br><table width=95% bgcolor=\"$tableOutline\" cellpadding=0 cellspacing=1><tr bgcolor=\"$topAndBottomBG\"><td><p align=left class=white><b>$page_heading</b></p></td></tr><tr bgcolor=\"$maincellColor\"><td>";
$endClub = "</td></tr></table></center><br>";


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