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array question, is this keyname insertion correct?


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thanks for your help ProjectFear


but ok since you ask the complete logic, then here it is.


Ok actually the $name does not contain one value only.


The $name is also an array


$name[0] = 'robert';

$name[1] = 'john';

$name[2] = 'james';



What i wanted to do is i want to use $name to accept more than one value.

Since because $name has more than one user name in it.




If $name[0] which is equal to 'robert' as key name it will accept assigned value in the 2nd index.

that is why i needed 2 dimentional array.




$name['robert'][] = 'george';

$name['robert'][] = 'linda;

$name['robert'][] = 'emlie';

$name['robert'][] = 'glenda';



but because $name array has more than one name needed to be assign values does i need to do this

this way.


$array_name=[$name][] = banana;


then i can increment like this below,


$array_name=[$name++][] = banana;


to fill all the names with names.

because each name in the $name has more than one sub names.


Instead of using the individual name as a key name inside the bracket.

But my original codes result into as an error message.


Can someone guide me please.


Thank you.




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you can only create single array or multidesimoll arrays that it.........


//single array...

//array $john['first'] holds first name
$john['first']="first name";

//single array.
//array secound holds secound name
$john['secound']="secound name";

//multidisimoll array..
//array john['first']['secound'] holds both the
// arrays first name and secound name.


    [first] => first name
    [secound] => secound name

//Print the array out result above....
//becouse the varable $john holds the arrays pring_r 
//prints them all out for you..

//echo array values out singley

echo "<br><br> ".$john['first']." <br> ".$john['secound']." <br><br>";

//Show the array as echoed to browser.

echo "<br><br>$res<br><br>";


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There nothink else we can add to the array to get,

more info out off it......


$john['a']['b']['c'] <<< not allowed offset



//This array only has john in it only, nothink else
//becouse it been set to john,


echo $john['a']['b'];


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