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Error in register.php need help


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Hello everybody i have a problem with my register script i have added a new option in my register.php but when i register myself i see nothing in mysql what i changed the rest is there

here are my codes and sorry for my bad English

session_start(); //allows session 
//checks if there trying to veriy there account 
if(isset($_GET['verify'])) { 
//gets the code and makes it safe 
$code = addslashes($_GET['code']); 
//gets the code from the database 
$getcode=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `verification` WHERE `code` = '$code'"); 
//counts the number of rows 
$getcode = mysql_num_rows($getcode); 
//if the ammount of rows is 0 the code does not exist 
if($getcode == 0) { 
echo "Verkeerd activatie code!"; 
//or if the code does exist we will activiate there account 
//get the data from the database 
$getcode=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `verification` WHERE `code` = '$code'"); 
//fetchs the data from the db 
$dat = mysql_fetch_array($getcode); 
//sets the users user level to 2 which means they can now use there account 
$update = mysql_query("UPDATE `members` SET `userlevel` = '2' WHERE `username` = '".$dat['username']."'") or die(mysql_error()); 
//deletes the code as there is no use of it now 
$delete = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `verification` WHERE code = '$code'"); 
//says thanks and your account is ready for use 
echo "Bedankt, Je account is geactiveerd je kunt nu inloggen.";
echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='2; URL=login.php'/>";
//if we have posted the register for we will register this user 
if(isset($_GET['register'])) { 
//check to see if any fields were left blank 
if((!$_POST[username]) || (!$_POST[password]) || (!$_POST[cpassword]) || (!$_POST[email]) || (!$_POST[dname])) { 
echo "Je moet alles wel invullen.";
echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='2; URL=register.php'/>"; 
//posts all the data from the register form 
$username = $_POST[username];
$dname = $_POST[dname];
$password = $_POST[password];
$cpassword = $_POST[cpassword];
$email = $_POST[email];
//check see if the 2 passwords are the same 
if($password == $cpassword) 
//encrypts the password 8 times 
$password = sha1(md5(md5(sha1(md5(sha1(sha1(md5($password)))))))); 
$dname = mysql_query("SELECT `dname` FROM `members` WHERE `dname` = '$dname'"); 
$dname= mysql_num_rows($dname); 
$cname = mysql_query("SELECT `username` FROM `members` WHERE `username` = '$username'"); 
$cname= mysql_num_rows($cname); 
//checks to see if the username or email allready exist 
if($cname>=1) {
echo "Gebruikersnaam bestaat al";
echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='2; URL=register.php'/>";
if($dname>=1) {
echo "dname bestaat al";
echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='2; URL=register.php'/>";
//gets rid of bad stuff from there username, dealername, email 
$username = addslashes(htmlspecialchars($username));
$dname = addslashes(htmlspecialchars($dname)); 
$email = addslashes(htmlspecialchars($email));

if($semail == "1") { // $email set as 1 means email activation is active 
//adds them to the db 
$adduser = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `members` (`username`, `password`, `email`, `dname`) VALUES('$username','$password','$email','$dname')"); 
//posible letters for the verification code 
$alphanum = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; 
//shuffles the letters around to create a 16 long code 
$code = substr(str_shuffle($alphanum), 0, 16); 
//adds there code along with there user name to the db 
$addcode = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `verification` (`username`, `code`) VALUES('$username','$code')"); 
//don't edit this, this is the link for there activication 
$link = "http://$host$self?verify&code=$code"; 
//sends the email to the person 
mail("$email", "Lidmaatschap validatie", "Bedankt voor het registreren op $sitename. 
Je gebruikersnaam is: $username en je wachtwoord is: $password
Enigste wat je nu nog hoeft te doen is je account activeren dat kan om naar deze link te gaan: 
$link", "From: admin@exxelent.nl"); 
//message sent now lets tell them to check there email 
echo "Je bent nu geregistreert,<br><br>Kijk in je email voor de activatie link."; 
}else{ //no need for email activation 
$adduser = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `members` (`username`, `password`, `email`, `userlevel`, `dname`) VALUES('$username','$password','$email','2','$dname')"); 
echo "Je bent nu geregistreert,<br><br>Je kunt nu inloggen op je account";
echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='2; URL=login.php'/>";
echo "De twee wachtwoorden kwam niet overeen probeer het opnieuw!";
echo "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='2; URL=register.php'/>";
//none of the above so lets show the register form 
echo "<form action='register.php?register' method='post'> 
<table width='350'> 
<td width='150'>Gebruikersnaam:</td> 
<td width='200'><input type='text' name='username' size='30' maxlength='25'></td> 
<td width='200'><input type='text' name='dname' size='30' maxlength='25'></td> 
<td><input type='password' name='password' size='30' maxlength='25'></td> 
<td>bevestig wachtwoord:</td> 
<td><input type='password' name='cpassword' size='30' maxlength='25'></td> 
<td><input type='text' name='email' size='30' maxlength='55'></td> 
<td colspan='2'><center><input type='submit' value='Aanmelden'></center></td> 


And i changed the dname all is there in mysql except for (dname) please help me out.


thanks allot


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