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[SOLVED] beginner question


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hi to all from sunny leeds! my name is eddie and ive been getting in to php for a few months now... im a web designer and so far i've learned to use includes and scripted a form to mail script as well as messing about with a few framework tutorials. what i want to know is: what is the next logical step from here from a web designers point of view? - what do i learn next? are there any other tricks such as includes and the mail function that will be of use to me in the future? thanks for reading. eddie.

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Better yet, do some pure database learning first (i.e. get some theory behind concepts such as relations, normalization, indexes etc). It helps a lot later on.

Definitely :D

When i learned how to use databases i knew none of that, i still know only a small amount of it.

When you have learned that, you will be able to plan and create databases that make your work a lot easier.



Also eddie i would advise looking at code snippets and working out how they work and in effect learning new functions etc. It just so happens i have a code snippet site


That is the php section.

I would also say you should visit sites such as tizag.com and w3schools.com



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I have to agree, even though I was already comfortable with MySQL I took an Intro to Databases class at the local junior college and a good foundation really helped write good SQL later on, and I even learned a few new tricks.  Learning normalization and indexing will really pay off in the long run.

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