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[SOLVED] Newbie:- file permissions for samba


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Ok I set up me Fedora Core 9 to provide a simple Guest samba access for my home LAN.  Problem is I could only get it to work sharing my /tmp directory.  (All other directories I tried to specify in my smb.conf get the standard message saying the user doesn't have permissions for that directory).  So anyway I got it working on my /tmp directory and found that guest users can copy files, also put files to the share and even make diretories remotely.  However the guest user is not allowed to access the contents of folders that are made directly under /tmp directory i.e so I am using rtorrent to download into such folders and I cant get to the contents ...argh!!


I have tried all permutations of chmod +r -R /tmp,chmod 777 -R /tmp chown and chgrp on /tmp directory but I always get the same result.  Can anyone help?  What I dont understand is that I setup a similar samba share on a Debian box the other day and it worked first time so maybe this is specific to Fedora







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So I have solved half of this.  I uninstalled SELINUX and now a guest user can access the subdirectories under /tmp (the current directory I am sharing in Samba) however if I try to share another directory with the smb,conf i.e /srv/download it will not show up the share when I try and locate it on the network.  back to the drwaing board...


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