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Getting row with highest value


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I have a few questions, but i'll take it one at a time, firstly, have a table called `people` which looks like

































At the moment i'm using


SELECT MAX(score) FROM `people`


with that data it gives me 300 at the moment.


I want to do the same Query but count duplicates with the same `name`, so if I did this Query then it would return the value 450 as David has 2 entries and added together they eual the highest value.


Any help would be ace




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Similar to the last question, but I have this QUERY


SELECT name, score*100/$max as pc FROM `people` ORDER BY score DESC


Which basically returns


David 300

Bryan 200

David 150

Susan 120


How can I do the same and count the total score for anyone with the same `name` so the result for that data would be


David 450

Bryan 200

Susan 120


But it would need to retain the part of the Query


score*100/$max as pc


as that is used later on in the code to work out an average score, but I need to try and group anyone with the same `name` together but adding up their `score`


sorry its a bit vague


any help would be wicked



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Just one question, where in the QUERY would I define the $max value?


if $max is already pre-defined (and you're sure it is a numeric value):

$query = 'SELECT name,
                 SUM(score) AS totalScore,
                 MAX(score) AS maximumScore,
                 SUM(score)/MAX(score) * 100 AS pc1,
                 100 * SUM(score)/'.$max.' AS pc
            FROM people
           GROUP BY name
           ORDER BY totalScore DESC';

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hummm, that didnt seem to work either, so you know my code, I have the following




$maxres = mysql_query ("SELECT SUM(score) AS totalScore FROM people GROUP BY name ORDER BY totalScore DESC LIMIT 1");


Which works perfect, then I have the following


$max = mysql_result ($maxres,0);

                $sql = "SELECT name, score, score*100/$max as pc FROM people ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 10";
                $res = mysql_query($sql);
                while (list($name, $score, $pc) = mysql_fetch_row($res))
	printf('% (%0.1f<br>', $score, $pc/10);


Which works and currently goes and returns everything in `score` order with a point score going from










But what I want to do is to get it to group up anyone with the same `name` but adding their `scores` up and then returning a point score.


Does that help at all?


Thanks very much for all the help so far

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[quote author=Canman2005 link=topic=227570.msg1050532#msg1050532 date=1227883235]
What does this give you?
$maxres = mysql_query ("SELECT SUM(score) AS totalScore FROM people");
$max = mysql_result ($maxres,0);
$sql = "SELECT name, SUM(score) AS totalScore, SUM(score) *100/$max as pc FROM people ORDER BY totalScore DESC LIMIT 10";
$res = mysql_query($sql);
while (list($name, $totalScore, $pc) = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
   echo ' - '.$name.' - '.$totalScore.'<br>';


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mea culpa

$maxres = mysql_query ("SELECT SUM(score) AS totalScore FROM people");
$max = mysql_result ($maxres,0);
$sql = "SELECT name, SUM(score) AS totalScore, SUM(score) *100/$max as pc FROM people GROUP BY name ORDER BY totalScore DESC LIMIT 10";
$res = mysql_query($sql);
while (list($name, $totalScore, $pc) = mysql_fetch_row($res)) {
   echo ' - '.$name.' - '.$totalScore.'<br>';

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