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Trying to build a function that changes a gregorian time to unix time.  This function should work, but I am thinking the problem is with the 'GregoriantoJD' function not being able to process $month,$day,$year.  Anyways, if someone could make this work


function gtu($gregoriantime)
$month = date('m', strtotime($gregoriantime));
$day = date('d', strtotime($gregoriantime)); 
$year = date('Y', strtotime($gregoriantime)); 
$jd = GregorianToJD($month,$day,$year);
$unixtime = jdtounix($jd);
return $unixtime;





$test = gtu(10/20/2008);

echo $test;  


Outputs nothing


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It does in a way, but your way makes it at 5am (Why I don't know?)


yours make this



  10/20/2008 5:00 GMT


mine makes this


  10/20/2008 0:00 GMT



Could this have something to do with server settings or something?

Doesn't strtotime have something to do with the client or whatever.


I'm from Eastern Canada, so my time is -5 GMT







No I don't think GMT is really needed in this.


/*Converts Gregorian month/day/year to unix time*/
function gtu($gregoriantime)
$month = date('m', strtotime($gregoriantime));
$day = date('d', strtotime($gregoriantime)); 
$year = date('Y', strtotime($gregoriantime)); 
$jd = GregorianToJD($month,$day,$year);
$unixtime = jdtounix($jd);
return $unixtime;

/*Converts unix time to gregorian*/
function utg($unixtime)
return $Gregorian; 

$starttime = "10/20/2008"; 

echo $starttime."= the date we started with<br>";

$test = gtu("$starttime");

echo $test."= This is the outcome of gregorian to unix<br>";

$test = utg("$test");

echo $test."= This is the outcome of unix to gregorian<br>";



This outputs the unix time of = "1224460800"  Which is 10/20/2008 0:00 GMT


when I change it back to Gregorian it comes up 10/19/2008.


I'm digging myself in deeper, but just so everyone knows, there is a point to this.



So what's the matter with this :


function utg($unixtime)
return $Gregorian; 


that it comes up the wrong day?



Even this :

date('m/d/Y', 1224460800);


Which is 10/20/2008, comes up 10/19/2008


No problem.  You can also set the timezone in your php.ini if you don't want to have to include that line in every page.  If you do decide to do it like that  though, I'd suggest throwing it in a general header file that you just include.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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