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Question on virtualhost


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I am somewhat new to apache and I hope someone could help me out with the following hosting problem:


I currently host multiple web sites (eg. www.orange.com, www.banana.com, www.melon.com) on one apache 2.2.6 box (eg. The apache box is behind a firewall and all the different domain names resolve to the same external IP (eg. which in turn gets port forwarded to the apache box by the firewall.


the virtualhost portion of httpd.conf looks like this:


NameVirtualHost *

<VirtualHost *>

    ServerName www.orange.com

    DocumentRoot c:/sites/www/www.orange.com



<VirtualHost *>

    ServerName www.banana.com

    DocumentRoot c:/sites/www/www.banana.com



<VirtualHost *>

    ServerName www.melon.com

    DocumentRoot c:/sites/www/www.melon.com




I'd like to set up a wiki for the melon.com site, namely wiki.melon.com. I found a wiki software out there which comes in as a virtual appliance. I have it set up already running as on the same network. I cannot get another external IP so I have to set up the DNS for wiki.melon.com to use That means when people try to hit wiki.melon.com it is going to go to the first apache server. My question then is, if there is a way to get the first apache box on to forward the requests for wiki.melon.com to the other server ( Is mod_rewrite the solution, and if so would someone show me the way?


Many thanks in advance,




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mod_proxy worked beautifully.


I thought I'd share my new httpd.conf (the relevant sections):


LoadModule proxy_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_proxy.so

LoadModule proxy_http_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_proxy_http.so


NameVirtualHost *

<VirtualHost *>

    ServerName www.orange.com

    DocumentRoot c:/sites/www/www.orange.com



<VirtualHost *>

    ServerName www.banana.com

    DocumentRoot c:/sites/www/www.banana.com



<VirtualHost *>

    ServerName www.melon.com

    ProxyRequests Off

    <Proxy *>

        Order deny,allow

        Allow from all


    ProxyPass /

    ProxyPassReverse /



Thanks again,



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