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[SOLVED] Referencing Windows Network Drive with PHP


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Hey folks,


I'm primarily a Mac/Unix developer so working in the Windows world is a bit foreign to me.  I have a network drive that I want to connect located at:




When I type that into an address bar in Windows, I connect right away.  I can ping the drive with no problems.  However, when I type something like the following:


$dir1 = '\\\\myDrive\myDirectory\\';


I get a "failed to open dir: Invalid argument in ...." error.  What am I missing?  I've tried researching this online but I haven't found anything that would suggest a solution.  Is this an IIS issue?  Is this a PHP issue?  Any help would be much appreciated.




- MT


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you are probably running PHP as an Apache service, which means the script is running as a SYSTEM account with no network privileges


Thanks for the quick response.  Where would I look to correct this issue?  The script ultimately needs to run as a "cron job" (not sure if the Windows term is the same) from the server where it currently resides.


- MT

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while you are testing, use PHP from the command line:

php -f /path/to/script.php


should work fine that way


Cool, I just tried that it it works.  However, if I'm running it from a terminal (i.e. command window) via RDP, then I'm running it under my account (not the SYSTEM account) which has privileges and thus it works, right?  I've already tested it on a local server and I know it works.  My only concern at this point is making the connection between the live server and the script server.


- MT

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