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hey guys. I am trying to replace the size of every images posted to max it at 460px but the script works only for the first image. All the others use the same value so if theres 6 images in the poste it will be 6 time the same image.


$regex = '/(<img.*?src="(.*?)".*?>)/';


$picinfo = getimagesize($match[2]);

$picinfo[0] = ($picinfo[0] > 460)? 460 : $picinfo[0];

$replacement =  '<img src="'.$match[2].'" width="'.$picinfo[0].'" border="0" alt="" />';

$sb_message_txt=preg_replace($regex, $replacement, $sb_message_txt);

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I tryed



$picinfo = getimagesize($match[2]);

$picinfo[0] = ($picinfo[0] > 460)? 460 : $picinfo[0];

$replacement =  '<img src="'.$match[2].'" width="'.$picinfo[0].'" border="0" alt="" />';

$sb_message_txt=preg_match_all($regex, $replacement, $sb_message_txt);


But getimagesize returns an error because $match[2] is null

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