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Well basically what i wanted to do, was for the below code to be only accessable useable for the registered members and any other unregistered members would be either re-directed to the /index.php or not able to access/view the file, but i'm stuck on this as i'm really new to php and sql, and if anyone can give me some advice or help me do this, it'll be much appreciated - it'll keep you busy for like, at least 1 min  :P





The almighty php code



if ($security == 1) {
		$loginform = '
<hr color="#9f7401">
Logged in as :  '.$_SESSION['sesuser'].', ($_SESSION['sesadmin']
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<br />
<form action="/web_dialogs" method="POST"><table border="0" cellpadding="3"><tr><td valign="top"><font face="times" color="black" size="2">Send to which department?</td><td><label><input name="web_dialog[client_department_id]" type="radio" id="web_dialog_client_department_id_119" value="119"><font face="times" color="black" size="2">report</label><br><label><input name="web_dialog[client_department_id]" type="radio" id="web_dialog_client_department_id_120" value="120">Website bug</label><br><label><input name="web_dialog[client_department_id]" type="radio" id="web_dialog_client_department_id_121" value="121"><font face="times" color="black" size="2">problem</label><br><label><input name="web_dialog[client_department_id]" type="radio" id="web_dialog_client_department_id_122" value="122"><font face="times" color="black" size="2">(Other)</label><br><p></td></tr><tr><td><font face="times" color="black" size="2"><i>Characters</i> name:</td><td><input name="web_dialog[fname]" size="30" type="text" id="web_dialog_fname"></td></tr><tr><td><font face="times" color="black" size="2">Account secret code:</td><td><input name="web_dialog[lname]" size="30" type="text" id="web_dialog_lname"></td></tr><tr><td><font face="times" color="black" size="2">Valid e-mail - <font face="times" color="black" size="1">so we can contact you<br></td><td><input name="web_dialog[email]" size="30" type="text" id="web_dialog_email"></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2"><hr></td></tr><tr><td><font face="times" color="black" size="2">Subject:</td><td><input name="web_dialog[visitor_subject]" size="39" type="text" id="web_dialog_visitor_subject"></td></tr><tr><td valign="top"><font face="times" color="black" size="2">Message:</td><td><textarea name="web_dialog[message]" id="web_dialog_message" rows="10" cols="30"></textarea></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2"><hr></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2"><font face="times" color="red" size="2">
</td></tr><tr><td></center><p><br><input name="commit" type="submit" value="Send message" onclick="this.setAttribute('originalValue', this.value);this.disabled=true;this.value='Processing...';;result = (this.form.onsubmit ? (this.form.onsubmit() ? this.form.submit() : false) : this.form.submit());if (result == false) { this.value = this.getAttribute('originalValue'); this.disabled = false };return result"></td></tr></table><input name="store" type="hidden" id="store" value="62"><input name="rand" type="hidden" id="rand" value=""><input name="web_dialog[visitor_language_id]" type="hidden" id="web_dialog_visitor_language_id" value="1"></form><script src="/javascripts/loadcaptcha.js" type="text/javascript"></script><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">LoadCaptcha(875,"5f6070a9f53935b04b6e54033fa28e08");</script><br>
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<img src="./tble_btm.gif" width="556" height="49">

<table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


<td height="57" colspan="2" style="background-image:url(./content_bottom2.gif);background-repeat:no-repeat;"></td>





Thanks, and if you could please explain what was wrong, cause as i said, i'm really new to php and all stuff, so would appreciate it all, so i won't make the mistake again! (hopefully) :P

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You will need session_start(); at the top of your page. then you would have to make a unique value when the user logs in like this:


$_SESSION['logged_in'] = TRUE;


Then on each page you can check it using this:


if($_SESSION['logged_in'] == FALSE)

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I think you misunderstood what I said


make a unique value when the user logs in


On the page where the user logs in (login.php or whatever). when you set the session variables for the username or whatever else you need to set a variable like this one:

$_SESSION['logged_in'] = TRUE;

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Then post the actual code. 


Opps, i forgot to say, i do have the session_start(); at the top of each page, and i tried what yah said ngreenwood6, i put that just below the session_start(); and i'm still able to view this even being logged out  ???


Help  :'(

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Thanks for all your replys and help.  This is my new code below






<title>Website report</title>

<body  style="margin:0;background-color:#000000;">

if (!$_SESSION['sesuser'] == 1)

<table bgcolor='black' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' border='0' align='center'>

    <td width='726' height='300' valign='top' background='./content_bkgrd.gif'>
<img src='./content_top2.gif' width='726' height='71' />
      <table width='560' border='0' align='center' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>

<hr color='#9f7401'>
<table border='0' width='100%'>
<tr width='100%'>
<td align='left' width='25%'>

<td align='left' width='70%'>
<a href='/index.php'>Home</a>
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</table><hr color='#9f7401'>

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<td colspan='3'><img src='./news_top.gif' width='556' height='49'></td>
<td width='13' valign='bottom' background='./news_slice_left.gif'> </td>
<td width='530' align='left' valign='top' bgcolor='#e7dbc3'>
<table width='530' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='6'>
<td width='143' height='35' colspan='2' bgcolor='#25120B' class='textwhite'></font><font color='#bd8e00'>Contact us</font></td>
<td width='296' height='35' bgcolor='#25120B' class='textwhite'></font><font color='#bd8e00'></font></td>
<td width='546' colspan='3' rowspan='6' valign='top' bgcolor='#e7dbc3' class='bodytextnews'>
<br />
<form action='/web_dialogs' method='POST'><table border='0' cellpadding='3'><tr><td valign='top'><font face='times' color='black' size='2'>Send to which department?</td><td><label><input name='web_dialog[client_department_id]' type='radio' id='web_dialog_client_department_id_119' value='119'><font face='times' color='black' size='2'>Website question</label><br><label><input name='web_dialog[client_department_id]' type='radio' id='web_dialog_client_department_id_120' value='120'>Account deletion</label><br><label><input name='web_dialog[client_department_id]' type='radio' id='web_dialog_client_department_id_121' value='121'><font face='times' color='black' size='2'>Website report</label><br><label><input name='web_dialog[client_department_id]' type='radio' id='web_dialog_client_department_id_122' value='122'><font face='times' color='black' size='2'>(Other)</label><br><p></td></tr><tr><td><font face='times' color='black' size='2'><i>First</i> name:</td><td><input name='web_dialog[fname]' size='30' type='text' id='web_dialog_fname'></td></tr><tr><td><font face='times' color='black' size='2'>Account secret code:</td><td><input name='web_dialog[lname]' size='30' type='text' id='web_dialog_lname'></td></tr><tr><td><font face='times' color='black' size='2'>Valid e-mail - <font face='times' color='black' size='1'><br></td><td><input name='web_dialog[email]' size='30' type='text' id='web_dialog_email'></td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'><hr></td></tr><tr><td><font face='times' color='black' size='2'>Subject:</td><td><input name='web_dialog[visitor_subject]' size='39' type='text' id='web_dialog_visitor_subject'></td></tr><tr><td valign='top'><font face='times' color='black' size='2'>Message:</td><td><textarea name='web_dialog[message]' id='web_dialog_message' rows='10' cols='30'></textarea></td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'><hr></td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'><font face='times' color='red' size='2'>

</td></tr><tr><td><font face='times' color='black' size='2'>Verification code<font face='times' color='red' size='1'> - Case sensitive  </td><td><img name='CaptchaImage' src='' id='CaptchaImage' height='40' alt='Verification' width='150'></td></tr><tr><td><font face='times' color='black' size='2'>Enter code</td><td><input name='code' size='8' type='text' id='code'>
<font face='times' color='red' size='1'> case sensitive

</td></tr><tr><td colspan='2'><center><br><center></center><p><br>

<input name='commit' type='submit' value='Send message' onclick='this.setAttribute('originalValue', this.value);this.disabled=true;this.value='Processing...';;result = (this.form.onsubmit ? (this.form.onsubmit() ? this.form.submit() : false) : this.form.submit());if (result == false) { this.value = t

his.getAttribute('originalValue'); this.disabled = false };return result'></td></tr></table><input name='store' type='hidden' id='store' value='62'><input name='rand' type='hidden' id='rand' value=''><input name='web_dialog[visitor_language_id]' type='hidden' id='web_dialog_visitor_language_id' value='1'></form><script src='/javascripts/loadcaptcha.js' type='text/javascript'></script><script type='text/javascript' language='JavaScript'>LoadCaptcha(875,'5f6070a9f53935b04b6e54033fa28e08');</script><br>
<tr height='15'></tr>
<tr height='15'></tr>
<tr height='15'></tr>
<tr height='184'></tr>
<tr height='14'>
<td class='bodytextnews' colspan='3' valign='top' bgcolor='#e7dbc3' width='446' height='14'>

<td width='13' valign='bottom' background='./news_slice_right.gif'> </td>
<img src='./tble_btm.gif' width='556' height='49'>

<table width='95%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'>


<td height='57' colspan='2' style='background-image:url(./content_bottom2.gif);background-repeat:no-repeat;'></td>

//display page






I'm pretty sure i've done it all right, but the above code is giving me "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in filename.php on line 136"


I'm struggling with this  :-\, and would appreciate help to fix the above code

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you need a ; after the last " to end the echo.


you may need to put the header before the title aswell.



and you need location: in your header statement.


header("Location: index.php")


and mabey some brackets here.


if (!($_SESSION['sesuser'] == 1))


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Do you know which line is line 136?


Just wondering which editor you're using as I use Edit+ and Notepad++ and both show me line numbers.


Error messages from PHP aren't always caused at the line given. The majority are the previous line, most are somewhere earlier in the code and not many are on the actual line.

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