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[SOLVED] RSS feed shows up randomly as text (noone was able to help me in othe forum)

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I have a RSS feed (http://alltherides.com/feed.xml) that appears fine in certain instances and when you refresh page it randomly starts showing up as plain text without any formatting.


Please please help me fix this as I have asked this question before noone was able to help me.


Thanks a lot and happy holidays

Check this out, I would start with this and go from there.





This feed is valid, but interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations.


    *Feeds should not be served with the "text/html" media type [help]



    * Your feed appears to be encoded as "UTF-8", but your server is reporting "ISO-8859-1" [help]



    * line 24, column 50: description contains bad characters (1710 occurrences) [help]


              <description><![CDATA[Trax Auto Wholesale Inc   2005 Ford Escape Limite ...


That's what I get when I run your xml file through it.


It may be a valid feed, but since it is not working all the time I would bring it to a completely valid, proper feed and see if that works for ya... if it does, then start adding the other things and see where it breaks.


I got it to be recognized as an rss feed once... then about 5 times as plain xml code.



Guys thank you all for your feedback.


I removed the encoding="UTF-8" and it seems to be working fine.


Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. This was a thorn in my ass for a while.


This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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