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Sorry for such a basic question but I can't get this to work


$value = FirstName;

$q = "'";

$excel_string = '$row_members['.$q.$value.$q.']';

$row_members['FirstName'] = Sam;


echo "$excel_string"; // dipslays as $row_members['FirstName']

echo "<br />";

echo $row_members['FirstName']; // displays as Sam


I want $excel_string to display as "Sam" not "$row_members['FirstName']".

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Try this


$value = FirstName;
$q = "'";
$excel_string = '$row_members['.$q.$value.$q.']';
$members = $row_members['FirstName'];
$row_members['FirstName'] = Sam

echo "$excel_string"; // dipslays as $row_members['FirstName']
echo "<br />";
echo $members; // displays as Sam

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I'm sorry dude.. I messed up try this


$value = "FirstName";
$q = "'";
$row_members['FirstName'] = "Sam";
$excel_string = $row_members[$value];

echo $excel_string; // dipslays as $row_members['FirstName']
echo "<br />";
echo $row_members['FirstName']; // displays as Sam


please note the quotations..


single quotes DO NOT evaluate variables and special characters..

doubel quotes EVALUATE variables and special characters

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Once again this is just assigning the variable $row_members['FirstName'] the value of Sam and then displays the value (echo $row_members['FirstName'];).


What I'm trying to do is build the php code before I know the variables. I'm getting data from a database with a SELECT statement build from form variables and then pass the data into an Excel doc.


// find all the fields we want to select from database
$field = $_POST['all_data']; // get the data from dp_mailing.php "ALL" form
foreach ($field as $value) {
$query_string.= $value.",";// build a string to insert into SELECT statement
$q = "'";
$excel_string.= '$row_members['.$q.$value.$q.']."\t".'; //build a string to use for excel document
//$excel_string.= '$row_members["$q$value$q"]."\t".';

$str = substr($query_string, 0, -1); // remove the last comma from query_string
$excelstr = substr($excel_string, 0, -4); // remove the TAB characters from excel string "\t"
$excelstr = $excelstr.'\n."'; // add line break at end of excel string "\n"

mysql_select_db($database_Membership, $Membership);
$query_members = "SELECT ".$str." FROM members";
$members = mysql_query($query_members, $Membership) or die(mysql_error());
$row_members = mysql_fetch_assoc($members);
$totalRows_members = mysql_num_rows($members);

# file name for download
  $filename = "mailing_" . date('Ymd') . ".xls";
//headers for Excel file
  header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"");
  header("Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel");

   do {
$excelstr ; 
     } while ($row_members = mysql_fetch_assoc($members)); 
 echo "end";


So I wanted the $excelstr variable to be a chunk of PHP code. It might look like




But I won't know the exact variables until I get the data out of the database. So I was looking for a way to convert the $excelstr variable.


If I use

do {

echo $row_members['MemberID']."\t".$row_members['FirstName']."\t".$row_members['LastName']."\t".$row_members['Company']."\t".$row_members['Address']."\t".$row_members['City']."\t".$row_members['State']."\t".$row_members['PostalCode']."\t".$row_members['EmailAddress']."\t".$row_members['PhoneNumber']."\n"; 
     } while ($row_members = mysql_fetch_assoc($members)); 
 echo "end";


It works OK. But I want to be able to have this last bit of data be the same as  $excelstr instead of hard coding.

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Sorry Posted again with proper formating so it's easier to read (newbie).


// find all the fields we want to select from database
$field = $_POST['all_data']; // get the data from dp_mailing.php "ALL" form
foreach ($field as $value) {
$query_string.= $value.",";// build a string to insert into SELECT statement
$q = "'";
$excel_string.= '$row_members['.$q.$value.$q.']."\t".'; //build a string to use for excel document

$str = substr($query_string, 0, -1); // remove the last comma from query_string
$excelstr = substr($excel_string, 0, -4); // remove the TAB characters from excel string "\t"
$excelstr = $excelstr.'\n."'; // add line break at end of excel string "\n"

mysql_select_db($database_Membership, $Membership);
$query_members = "SELECT ".$str." FROM members";
$members = mysql_query($query_members, $Membership) or die(mysql_error());
$row_members = mysql_fetch_assoc($members);
$totalRows_members = mysql_num_rows($members);

# file name for download
  $filename = "mailing_" . date('Ymd') . ".xls";
//headers for Excel file
  header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"");
  header("Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel");

   do {
$excelstr ; 
     } while ($row_members = mysql_fetch_assoc($members)); 


So I wanted the $excelstr variable to be a chunk of PHP code. It might look like


<?php $row_members['FirstName']."\t".$row_members['LastName']."\t".$row_members['Company']."\t" ?>


But I won't know the exact variables until I get the data out of the database. So I was looking for a way to convert the $excelstr variable.


do {

echo $row_members['MemberID']."\t".$row_members['FirstName']."\t".$row_members['LastName']."\t".$row_members['Company']."\t".$row_members['Address']."\t".$row_members['City']."\t".$row_members['State']."\t".$row_members['PostalCode']."\t".$row_members['EmailAddress']."\t".$row_members['PhoneNumber']."\n"; 
     } while ($row_members = mysql_fetch_assoc($members)); 


It works OK. But I want to be able to have this last bit of data be the same as  $excelstr instead of hard coding.

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uhh yeah.. I gave it to you..


$value = "FirstName";
$row_members['FirstName'] = "Sam";
$excel_string = $row_members[$value];

echo $excel_string; // dipslays as $row_members['FirstName']
echo "<br />";
echo $row_members['FirstName']; // displays as Sam

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I finally figured it out and used the following code to output the data.


// find all the fields we want to select from database
$field = $_POST['all_data']; // get the data from dp_mailing.php "ALL" form
foreach ($field as $value) 
$query_string.= $value.",";// build a string to insert into SELECT statement
$str = substr($query_string, 0, -1); // remove the last comma from query_string

mysql_select_db($database_Membership, $Membership);
$query_members = "SELECT ".$str." FROM members";
$members = mysql_query($query_members, $Membership) or die(mysql_error());
$row_members = mysql_fetch_assoc($members);
$totalRows_members = mysql_num_rows($members);

# file name for download
$filename = "mailing_" . date('Ymd') . ".xls";
//headers for Excel file
  header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"");
  header("Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel");
//Populate Excel document with data
   do { 
   foreach ($row_members as $value)
	echo $value."\t" ;
   echo "\n";
     } while ($row_members = mysql_fetch_assoc($members)); ?>

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