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Everything posted by daveoffy

  1. Yea, I was using an image button. Well thanks for all the help. where did the topic solved button go?
  2. Problem Fixed. The problem was the if(isset)) on the top. IE doesn't like caps in the name I guess.
  3. It stops when you go in IE and login. The page it stops on is login-exec. It doesn't run any of the login commands. It doesn't seem to go in any of the IF statments. There are no given errors on the page. Nothing happens, just a blank white screen on the login-exec.php page.
  4. So on my login-exec.php page it just stops. It doesn't redirect me to the page. In firefox it works fine. <?php require_once 'config.php'; require_once 'var.php'; if(isset($_POST['Login'])) { $username = md5($_POST['username']); $password = $_POST['password']; if($username == '') { header('Location: ../lf.php?reason=invalid'); exit; } if($password == '') { header('Location: ../lf.php?reason=invalid'); exit; } $aqry = "SELECT * from members WHERE username_md5='$username' AND active='1'"; $aresult = mysql_query($aqry); if($aresult) { if(mysql_num_rows($aresult) == 0) { header('Location: ../lf.php?reason=active'); exit; } } $bqry = "SELECT * from members WHERE username_md5='$username' AND banned='1'"; $bresult = mysql_query($bqry); if($bresult) { if(mysql_num_rows($bresult) == 1) { header('Location: ../lf.php?reason=banned'); exit; } } $qry="SELECT * FROM members WHERE username_md5='$username' AND password='".md5($password)."'"; $result=mysql_query($qry); if($result) { if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 1) { $getid = "SELECT id FROM `members`WHERE username_md5='$username'"; $getidresult = mysql_query($getid); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($getidresult)) { $username_id = $row['id']; mysql_query("UPDATE members SET lastip='".$ip."' WHERE username_md5 = '".$username."'"); mysql_query("UPDATE members SET last_login='".$date."' WHERE username_md5 = '".$username."'"); header('Location: ../index.php'); exit; } }else { header('Location: ../lf.php?reason=invalid'); exit; } } } ?>
  5. When I first looked at the code I thought it was some graph of their sales, then after reading down the posts, I thought it was cool they made it like mountains, but a waste of time.
  6. Example code would be very helpful please. Never code in JS so no idea how to do this.
  7. So I have a submit form, and I want it, so after filling in each form(or while filling it in) it shows a preview on the side. How can I make it so, when I enter Hi, in a form named title, it shows up somewhere else on that page without having to hit submit. I just want a preview so the user can see what it looks like.
  8. Not working. I am going to head over to javascript forums, since that is the correct code.
  9. How is your database set up? -User -level -owner Table is User, row is level.
  10. Do you have a connection to the database in that code? Do you have it connecting to the table level is in? Do you have a level named owner?
  11. this should work <?php var_dump($row['level']); if($row['level'] == "owner"){ ?> - <a href="../admin/index.php" target="mainFrame">Admin</a><br> <?php } ?>
  12. So I have a submit form, and I want it, so after filling in each form(or while filling it in) it shows a preview on the side. How can I make it so, when I enter Hi, in a form named title, it shows up somewhere else on that page? Thanks in advance. If this is not possible in PHP please tell me. I think it might be javascript.
  13. I want a light weight one. Shadowbox is a huge one. I would rather go with lightbox.
  14. Are you sure your sessions are set? Did you include the config to connect to database correctly?
  15. Add me on aim/msn/gtalk. daveoffy/d.offy12@gmail.com/d.offy12 Will post answer here once solved.
  16. I am not sure if I understand what you mean. Please explain more.
  17. could use this. Put this in the login.php file or what ever you use after the user name and password are correct. setcookie('username', $_POST['username'], time()+60*60*24*14, '/', 'site.com', NULL, TRUE); setcookie('password', md5($_POST['password']), time()+60*60*24*14, '/', 'site.com', NULL, TRUE);
  18. So everyone has been to a blog or a site that has a video pop up. you click it, the site fades to a black but is still transparent, and the video is in a pop up window in the center. I would like to do this but instead of a video, have my login box. Can someone please help me?
  19. Can't edit above post. The white box is due to my content box. So that is solved. But still I don't know why they are not getting positioned in order as the HTML.
  20. Added that, but now I have a white line on the top. Also the footer is only 10px down from top, not 10px down from the bottom of the logo/user bar.
  21. All code (http://buyastatus.com/skin/style.php) style.php <?php include 'header.php'; ?> <body> <div align="center"> <div id="wrapper"> <div class="spacer"> <div id="logo"> <img src="images/logo.png"> </div> </div> <div id="userbar"></div> <div id="content"></div> <?php include 'footer.php'; ?> 2 of the divs close in footer.php style.css * { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background: #3681c1 url(images/bg.gif) repeat-x top left; font-size: 12px; } #wrapper { text-align: left; margin: 0px auto; padding: 0px; border: 0; width: 900px; height: auto; } .spacer { margin-top: 10px; } #logo { width: 335px; height: 110px; background-image: url(images/l_bg.png); float: left; } #userbar { margin-right: 10px; width: 555px; height: 35px; background-image: url(images/ub.png); float: left; } #content { width: 898px; background: #FFFFFF url(images/c_bg.gif) repeat-x top left; border: 1px solid #FFFFFF } #footer { width: 900px; height: 25px; background-image: url(images/footer.png); margin-top: 10px; } a:link { text-decoration: none; color: #000000; } a:visited { text-decoration: none; color: #000000; } a:active { text-decoration: none; color: #000000; } img { border: 0 } [td][/td]
  22. I want to add 10px spacing ontop of the logo/nav. Than more spacing like inbetween content so it only shows the background and nothing else.
  23. I have not typed CSS for so long. So if you guys can help me with this one problem I can code the rest of this template. How can I add a 10px spacing. I tried <div style="margin-top: 10px"> <div id="hi">Hello World</div> </div> but had no luck.
  24. Ya, I made it save www. and without www. I was on a www.site.com so it wouldn't find the cookies or w/e
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